I leave behind a yard that my husband and I worked very hard on. We cleared weeds and overgrowth and planted grass and trees and flowers. It is like a private park.
I leave behind this land-mark; the Cinedome 70 - movie theatres that were built in 1970 and had the best sound of their time... but couldn't compete with the modern theatres, and sit empty now... hoping someone will have a good business idea. Possibly the worlds best Hooters?
I leave behind this view from my windows... I will still see it but from farther away. These mountains are called the Wasatch Range. See the snow - it's fresh from last night!!! yahoo yippee!! These mountains are full of campgrounds, ski resorts, and terrific places to snowmobile in the winter and curvy canyon roads to motorcycle in the summer. Our playground!
Other than that I leave behind 2 busy freeways, lots and lots of traffic, noisy jets, and a few choice neighbors (ha). I can hardly wait! 10 more days!