I’ve been tagged by a bloggin’ game. The 5 weird things one… (I even put a picture of weird me to the left.)
I’m assuming all you bloggers know how it works – you get tagged and you post five oddities about yourself, then tag someone else. Simple, huh, so if I tag you at the end, don’t panic. If you’ve been tagged before… your choice to go again or not, and if you haven’t and don’t want to play, that’s fine too!
5 weird things about me:
1. I am not good socially. I withdraw around people. When I was a little girl my best friends were animals.
2. I’m a tom-boy. I could always run with the guys better than chat with the gals. (That works as I have 2 sons, 2 step-sons, 2 grandsons, and 3 nephews. Not to mention a motor-head husband who loves having a wife racing along beside him on a motorcycle or tearing up the hill on a snowmobile.)
3. There are opposites in my interests – for being a tom-boy and not a girly-girl, I love crazy quilting.
4. I am not a movie watcher. Weird, I know. Mention stars or scenes or even TV serials and you’ll draw a blank from me.
5. Same goes with music, I can’t “name that tune” in ½ a song let alone 6 notes, I can’t name the song artist either.
I would like to tag 3 international blogging friends:
Pinar from Turkey,
Maria from Finland, and
Anita from Germany.