
Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Sometimes the art just doesn't come easy. Sometimes it's a struggle and all I could come up with this week is this funny little ATC sized tag. It became a tag when I cliped off the corners deciding it just wasn't turning out the way I wanted... But NOW I'm ready to make more art. Now I think the ideas will start flowing a little more easy. Hope hope hope!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Do you have peace in your heart even in a world of unrest?
If peace traveled thru this world one heart at a time...what a beautiful thing...let it start in yours.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Butterfly Box

Here is what I've worked on this week.
I'm calling it a Butterfly Box.

I started with 5 sides - house shaped ATC's that I made out of felt and fibers and pictures and embroidery. Then, using a hexagon base I sewed the sides together and onto the base, and then added little rings at the top to thread the ribbon thru.

The opening at the top forms a star. I like the way it does not close all the way together, so the butterflies can fly.

This has been a hard week in Northern Utah with the shootings at the mall in Salt Lake City on Monday night. An 18year old man took a shot-gun into Trolley Square and killed 5 people before he was shot by the police. As I worked on these 5 butterfly sides I thought of the 5 people who passed on. Butterflies are symbolic of new life, and I pray the victims can accept their new life as they are released from their bodies and from this world.

"Kiss the world good-bye and fly..."

I offer prayer for all the families and friends and for the injured who are in the hospitals, that they and the community may heal.

Following are the links of inspiration in creating a 5 sided box: Stitches has some box instructions, I found that link and a neat box on this blog: Cramzy, and I found her blog thru Jo's blog!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

With a heart full of LOVE, have a Happy Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Saturday, February 10, 2007


We have had delightful temps this week, the cold spell has broke and it feels like Spring is on it's way. It's sad to see the news of the North East and all the snow they are still getting. At any rate, I'm feeling like flowers and gardening and know that isn't far away. I made 3 little garden girl ATC's this week useing precious pictures of floral hatted girls.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Felted ATC's

Victorian Lady w/ felting & a touch of Crazy quilt.
One of my favorite prints, I've used it before.
Both on eBay this week. And, yes, I'm busy getting ready for next week! My sweetie calls it my 20cents an hour second job. (But I LIKE my second job!)

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Love Prevails

"Love Prevails" 5X7 mini crazy quilt
Listing on eBay Sunday.

Friday, February 02, 2007

And the winners are...

All the names on comments were put on paper and mixed up in a "hat" (bowl) and two were drawn out.

I placed the names in the posts below [In the brackets] to show who won the 2 Valentines.

I would like to say THANKS to everyone who played, I enjoyed it lots! And thanks to Sandy for the big-hearted idea! We'll have to do a repeat for Easter.

There are a few bloggers still with taking names for Valentines, and drawing on the 4th of 5th.

I'll contact the winners this evening. THANKS ALL!!!