
Saturday, May 26, 2007


My Pansies are blooming.
I was looking thru my bin of old projects and found this one with a pansy theme. As I look at it now - a couple years later I wonder why I didn't dye the lace ecru color! It stands out too much in the stark white. Oh well. It was a fun piece to put together.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Believe... in yourself... in your art.. in your life...
Believe in something good.
This 5 X 7 crazy quilt collage was made out of fabrics and a print sent to my by an eBay seller, bbsmith, she has a store on eBay with many many prints on fabric and also some speciality fabrics for crazy quilting. It is textured, gold tinted, colorful, fuzzy, and fun fabric.
Here is a link to her store: To-Dye-For Check it out.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Tribute to Mothers

Happy Mother's Day

Click to supersize.
Top two are sold, the bottom one w/ the hummingbird is still on ebay.

Each one is 5"X7"