Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!!


Above is my disgruntled and non-photogenic cat, Jet.
She is still strugling with getting used to a new dog in the house and seems to be wigging out a bit. If Jet doesn't run then Annie doesn't chase... now to get Jet to understand that!

Seeking artistic direction in 2008.
I've been playing with some fabrics I received in the mail, color wonderful color... I painted the base fabric then ironed on the shapes, then am embroidering by hand. I will NOT recommend embroidering onto painted fabric unless you like to use needlenose pliers to pull the needle thru! Don't they make sewing machines that do all these stitches???
I hope all your dreams become reality in 2008!


One Crabapple said...

My eyes FLEWWWW open at my first glimpse of this downloading ! (hi Jet Baby, I see you but that quilt steals the show !)

Wow Cat. This is really nice. I am intrigued !!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT !!!

Have to go enlarge it now and look look look.

What inspiration !

Happy New Year and I hope your wishes for the New Year also become a reality !

I hope to see more of this kind of Wonderful !


One Crabapple said...

Gorgeous. Kind of like a mandala....

Jean said...

Absolutely beautiful! LOVE all the bright color. I love your work!

Anonymous said...

LOVE this new direction!! Those orbs of color!

I sooooo know what you mean about sewing threw these thicknesses....beading through layers of gelled papers...not fun.

Happy New Year!!!

Susan said...

Beautiful cat - who could blame her for not liking to share space with a dog? =)

I love your piece. The colors are wonderful together. Glad you have good pliers. =)

Micki said...

OMG, this is a great piece. Love the colors. And it is so different from what you have been doing.
Best Wishes for the New Year.

verobirdie said...

It is really beautiful!

Laurie and Chris said...

I love all the colors you used in this. It looks great. Happy New Year!

allie aller said...

Super beginning to 2008!

Werna Gail said...

Just catching up, the kittens have kept me real busy, we are down to 2 now. Your cat does not look to happy...I have one like that. The pictures of Annie are just to cute
What a great thought to start a new year, SEEK DIRECTION, and who better to ask than God? May he bless all that you do.

Beth said...

This is beautful. I have tried to embroider on painted fabric,not fun!
Bark bark to Annie,,from Lady!

Kel said...

Love, love. love it. The shapes, colors, what fun !!