
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pink & Orange

The Hollyhocks and Day Lilies are in bloom and the colors are sweetly pastel.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Flaming Gorge

Soak in these pictures of calm water and awesome rocks!

We went to Flaming Gorge for a 3 day weekend with

3 of the 4 boys, daughter in law, and 2 grandsons.

The fishermen all caught fish and we feasted on Kokanee, which is a fresh water salmon.
Do you see the determined tree in the picture above?
Here it is in a closer view:
And... here is boatin' Annie.
Annie did real well for her first boat and camping trip, although she tried to jump overboard a couple of times - so I had to put a life jacket on her. We showed her how COLD the water is this time of year too... so hopefully she will get her doggie sense about her and stay in the boat on trips. Blue used to drop his ball overboard and we'd have to circle around and net it up. He liked that game! Here is the link to last years trip.
We had a great time and looking forward to next years trip!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Celebrate Life

Celebrating Springtime and Life in general!
These 2 won't make it to etsy; they are already sold. I am starting to work more on needle art now - since the garden is in and flowers are planted... So hopefully I can stock the shop back up!

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Busy days in the summer...

The arbor [pergola] is progressing.
(Thanks to Gerry for the pergola word)
When it is done it will have orange roses called "Blaze of Glory" climbing on a trellis on one side, and lavender Wisteria and a lavender Clematis climbing on a trellis on the other.
The iris have bloomed... actually they are getting near done blooming.
The garden is growing! The front row is all peppers, the reason they are staked is that it gets windy out here once in a while and last year I lost a pepper plant in a wind storm.
The next row is tomatoes followed by onions. The back row is a couple of cucumbers and a zucchini, and more peppers that you can't see, and potato plants (3).
Here is a potato plant, my first ever to try.

All for now... Enjoy Summer!