Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hope Ditty Bags for Haiti Children

Hope Ditty Bags

With some essential items...
and a toy.

For Haiti Children.
Simple. Fast. Easy to make.

Can you help?

Please say YES!

Let's make up some Hope Ditty Bags for the Children in Haiti.

Here is a tutorial for a simple drawstring bag.
Here is another one.

You can make these or others of your choice,
you can even buy the inexpensive small canvas totes...
paint or decorate them...

The one's I'm making are about 11" across by 13" high, I'm using clothesline rope as the drawstrings. Make sure you leave a nice big area for the drawstrings to go thru.
Put inside:
1 toothbrush
1 travel size toothpaste
3 granola bars
1 small toy

Then mail to:

Debbie Woodward
1500 Jackson Street NE
Mineapolis, MN 55413

She is part of Real Hope for Haiti and is collecting donation items to be sent to Haiti.
RHFH has a rescue center and an orphanage in Haiti.

Due date: As soon as you can, it looks like shipment will go the first of March.

Here is a list of their needs.

Leave a comment that you are participating!
Post your totes-for-tots on your blog!

And... check out this blog becausehecalled.
It's real.


One Crabapple said...

What a Wonderful Way To Help !

You Bet - I'm IN

Thank You for thinking of a way to help me

feel I can help !



Judy Hartman said...

Hi Cat,
Great idea - I'm in, too!
I'll pass on the idea on my blog, and get to work making some bags for a tiny ray of hope for a child.
A way of sending some love...
Thanks, Cat.

Deborah said...

I'm not a big telethon kind of girl. I donated some of my baby things through an etsy site. I told my husband today that I knew I would somehow donate more, and that I would "feel" it when it was right. Here it is! I surely have the fabric and I own about 400 new Beanie Babies. I like the idea that little hands would be given something tangible.

Phyllis said...

I'm in too and will sew up a few today! They will be mailed this week.


Gerry said...

This is a wonderful idea. We took the 'lazy' way out and made a cash donation. But I guess every little bit helps!

Rebag said...

Oh I am so in!! Thanks for sharing and will certainly post!! Thanks Cat!

Anonymous said...

Cat...fantastic idea!!

I will definitely make and fill a bag and send it off.


girlgonethreadwild said...


I'm in! Ran over as soon as crabapple shared your news!

Thank you for allowing us to be a small part.. and for opening the door towards making a smile reach across the lands to these sweet kids..

xo, m :)

BTW I shipped The Gren Queen last Saturday.. have fun!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Cat!!! Fabulous IDea!!!
I have psoted this info to two of my art groups and I plan to make up several bags!!!
Very Best !!

lindaharre said...

Fabulous idea! I have been wishing there was a way that I could help!!!! Thanks for the opportunity:D

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

Found you at Monica's blog and I hope it is OK, I took the liberty of using your stitched HOPE pic for my blog post today ... wanted to get the word out as quickly as possible!
Such a wonderful way to touch little hearts! Thank you!
Brightest of Blessings!

Judy Hartman said...

Hi Cat,
Finishing up my totes and just posted on my blog and linked to yours. Thanks for letting us know about it!
Judy :)

Library Gal Quilts said...

I am in. Thank you Ms Baumcat! xo Pam

suze said...

Count me in too!
Big storm coming here...hoping to get it out on time.
Will pass it on.

Jacky said...

What a great idea Suze....I dont think mine would reach the USA by the end of January though (as today is the 27th). Let me know if I could send later or too another address?

Jacky xox

Jacky said...

Thanks for getting back to me Cat (sorry about the Suze in my previous comment).
I will be stitching this weekend and get something sent off on Monday.
I like to think of such a personal gift of hope.

Jacky xox

lindaharre said...

Cat....I was wondering if they would take other things as well....I was going to send a box of tennis shoes for children. What do you think?

Pursuing Art... said...

Hi Cat,

I'm a friend of Monica's and I would love to help. This is such a great idea! I'm sure they will be treasured by the children.

I was wondering if they would still be accepted even if shipped out on Monday, the 1st? Would you mind letting me know? Our bags would be coming from Oregon.

I am spending time with my sister this weekend and we would both be happy to put together some bags.

Thank you! ~Lisa

deb did it said...

I am in....posted on my blog today!!

Darla said...

am I tooo late for this? i would love to participate, but cannot mail them until Monday! would that work still? That would be
Feb. 1rst. thanks..


Anonymous said...

too late to there a deadline date?

moonbeamsnajar said... it too late? Just saw this last night. sewing, sewing, sewing

Gerry said...

Me again!!! Just wanted to let you know that I'll be making a few bags and mailing them out over the next week (or so).

Cat said...

Deadlines and due dates?
I removed the "end of January" because I don't know when the shipment will be sent to Haiti. They said "when they get a pod full" it will ship. So sew away and send when you can! THANKS!

Darla said...

i have some bags posted on my blog and i have a link to yours as well.

One Crabapple said...

I love checking in on these links to see how its growing growing growing....

Ripple Effect

Way To GO !


eb said...

wonderful Cat
we are sending out tomorrow
thanks for sharing the inspiration and love...

xox - eb.

Emma said...

Hi, hope this isn't too late - I found your site today, Feb 7th & I made 2 bags for the first time ever thanks to the great tutorial (!) Can I post granola bars from the UK to the US? Is it too late as I'm in the UK? Hope not. Thanks for this chance to help, Emma

Sandy Graeser Haynes said...

Yes, we (my sis and I ) assembled the bags I have made, by filling with all the needed items. Now, I need to get them to Debbie, and I don't know how much that will be, because I already have about 60 bags and they weigh so much. Does anyone have a suggestion. DO THE BAGS HAVE TO BE THERE, TO DEBBIE, BY MARCH 1 ST ???


I shipped a box with 14 tote bags to Debbie this AM (2/22) via UPS - will arrive Thurs. 2/25 to make the March 1st shipment to Haiti. I had some kid's novelty fabric from a "fabric by the pound" purchase and this was the perfect way to use it! Thanks so much for facilitating this great project.

JoAnn C.
Ashburn, VA

moonbeamsnajar said...

Shipped my hope ditty bags to Debbie today (Priorty) along with lots of garden seeds. Should be there by Sat. 2/27. Thank you!

Cat said...

All of you who have helped on this project have just touched my heart so much. Many of you I do not know and do not know how to contact and say THANK YOU.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your gifts of kindness will touch many hearts of children in Haiti!

You are all awesome!