
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Crazy Quilt Collage in Progress...

Blue is recovering well, he is still a bit slower than normal (he's tried a new thing - sleeping in), but he will come around with the continued liver med I'm sure.

Here is the progress on the little quiltie (5x7). More embellishing to go. I used a piece of an antique silk crazy quilt block for the base on this and the silk fabrics are wonderful to work on.

This morning I am going out back to "Miracle Gro" the garden and flowers for a little health boost for them in this relentless heat.


  1. Cat this is so precious! I love the color combinations! Your heat can't be as bad as Kansas???? Are you in the mountains? Miracle Gro does give a kick in the pants to plants. I'm afraid mine are a lost cause. Today the heat indices are 120 F!!!! I am staying indoors and working on art! DH and kids went to the lake to boat...yuk.

  2. You are such a talented embroiderer (word?). I love seeing things in progress. thank you for all the inspiration.


  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    From Joy - your love and concern for Blue are obvious in this beautiful piece - such beautiful fabric and stitches. So glad Blue is on mend. It is hot, hot, hot here also - and the humidity adds to the misery. It is as dry as powder house and everything is wilted - YUK - oh well that's central Texas for you. I would go jump in the lake but a neighbor might see me. I'm not interested
    in being put in jail for frightening the kids, and possibly the dogs!
    Good wishes to little Blue.

  4. I love this....It is also so terribly HOT here.....and supposed to continue all week....

  5. your words and art share such tender moments, I like how you tell your story through cloth and stitches,ever personal and sewn together by your breath

  6. I am amazed at how you put together just the right colors to compliment the photo! I can see this in a shadow box! You talented harley riding
    chicky!! So pleased that Blue is doing well!

  7. Anonymous9:14 PM

    That is so nice and what a touching story to go along with your art. Glad Blue is doing better. :-)

  8. Anonymous9:55 PM

    From Joy: How is Blue? Is he still improving? I certainly hope all is better for him!!

    Your new ebay items are great!

    Good thoughts to you . . Joy
