
Monday, November 27, 2006

Snowflake Art

I found out that cutting snowflakes out of fabric is much tougher than cutting them out of paper. Here is a backwards progression of my snowflake art w/ fabric. (Backwards because I never remember that with blogger you post the last picture first... and I'm a little thick about this posting stuff still... ) Any way the first pic here is my finished snowflake piece, beads and all.
Size you ask... it's 5 1/2" diameter.
The next picture was when I had most the black embroidery done, and was to the point of asking myself "what next?".
And below is the cutout fabric snowflake on top of black felt.

This all left me amazed at those Hawaiian quilts with the intricate designs appliqued on the fabric - like how do they do that?!!!
Snow update: It's a comin' down!
Make those snowflakes!


  1. Great snowflake Cat. You definitely have more patience than me on something like this. Glad you got some snow.

  2. WOWZA!! This is fantastic. Love it Cat.

  3. looks complicated..but beautiful..
    have a good time..

  4. Anonymous11:37 PM

    That is absolutely beautiful! And amazing, too. I'm not sure I would have that much patience but I'm sure glad you did! I love it.

  5. No snow here yet,,but its suppose to by this friday. Highs have been in the 70s for a week now. I do love those snowflakes, is it really snowing at your place? I love snow,,don't like to drive in it though,,have a good one Cat!

    (forgive the whole SNOWflake /KOOL thing there !laughing)

    Hey I love how you showed the progression !

    And I am AMAZED after my crude attempt in paper to see this in cloth. You are so creative ! Really LOVE this idea. And then to cut out around it....! wow.

    Yes ! I have always admired Hawaiian quilts and wondered how the heck one would have the patience ! I guess I can try a snowflake and get a taste !

    These are just wonderful - AGAIN ! of course !
    You are the Quilting QUEEN.

    ps- to rearrange your photos next time - go in to edit and you can cut and paste the code for your photos and put them in the order you would like. If that does not make sense ... I will explain later. AFTER my morning cup of TEA. L/S

  7. Anonymous10:44 AM

    This snowflake is so beautiful, so intricate and detailed! I cannot imagine how difficult it is to cut fabric to make this. I have trouble just cutting paper:-)

  8. Yes, you can easily change the order of the photos, just copy and paste!
    Your snowflakes are great! I should try one, two. Thanks for another inspiration! BTW, I finished my first stocking yesterday!

  9. You are dedicated to your craft!
    Aw... come on there are some of us who vote {{{NO SNOW!!}}} Ok OK so I'm a party pooper! Now you go slide down one of those mountains now that you got your *~SNOW~* HUGS ng

  10. Anonymous11:10 PM

    You know how I love your art, this snowflake is the most beautiful piece. Never have I thought of a snowflake out of fabric. This takes my breath away.

    Happy you have your snow - we will be getting ours late tomorrow night.
    peace and snowflakes

  11. Anonymous9:11 AM

    From Joy: Cat, the snowflake is a wonderful work of art! So intricate and beautiful.

    Hope you have loooots of snow and have your snowmobiles ready to rip!!

    Sleet is in the forcast for us so we are ready to slip . .

  12. Oh my goodness this is the best ever, snow that doesn't melt!
    Very pretty Cat...Another trade?

  13. Anonymous8:44 PM

    So beautiful! I need to make some!

  14. Your snowflakes are fantastic Cat! I've made some too now and posted them on my blog but I still need to improve my snowflake cutting skills lol I must say it's addictive! You are a real pro!

  15. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Wow, that is daughter and my grandson cut out snowflakes every year out of paper, and glitter them, and they are hanging all over her living room really looks cute......

  16. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I really do admire your talent. Today I got the Cat card. I sat and just stared at it in disbelief Cathy. It looked beautiful on your blog here, but to see it and feel the tactile sensations at the same time almost made me cry. Thank you for making me feel so very blessed. Confused as to why you would be so generous to me, but every so thankful. You are an angel in my eyes. Emotional thanks. Now to scan it and put it on my blog. WOW! Thanks so ever much.

  17. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Your gift is truly amazing. I've been looking through your archives and the mind boggles. Such beautiful work.

  18. Anonymous8:08 AM

    WOW! I am so impresse with your snowflakes!! You have a lot of patience:)

  19. OMG these snowflakes are beautiful! WOW....I just found your site on ART TEA LIFE!
