
Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Do you have peace in your heart even in a world of unrest?
If peace traveled thru this world one heart at a time...what a beautiful thing...let it start in yours.


  1. Great way to start my day here reading this message. Will try to hold on to this thought thruout my day !

    Love the felting you are doing - the lace and chain stitches - perfect touches.

    That image really does make me think of peace softly flying heart to heart. Lovely ! Like You.

  2. Anonymous1:57 PM

    The swirl of the lace and the chain stitch is such a nice detail. I like that look alot. White on white play well together. Lovely.

  3. I love your "peace" creation!

  4. She is lovely. Like the chain stitch.

  5. I like this one, from the lace to the chain stitch. Very pretty. What are you doing with all these ATCs you make?

    I loved the butterfly box from the previous post, too. The Trolley Square incident was horrible, but the police response time was incredibly fast. I understand they've been training with all the police forces working together, and it showed. It could have been so much worse.

  6. Beautiful message and mini quilt!

  7. What a wonderful thought, if we each held peace in our heart we would have world peace. :) Love your work. Each lovely, beautiful & fun.

  8. Beautiful, you are so fast....I'm still trying to gather my stuff up...

  9. I am in totally mouth dropping awe of your ATC's... You have taken them to a new level of art! I had to go back thru all of your archives to make sure I didn't miss one!

    Will add you to my favorite list!
    thanks for all the inspiration!

  10. Beautiful art and words!Peace to you too!hugs NG

  11. Beautiful card and equally beautifully message, my heart cries for inner peace for each of us. Thank you for sharing.

    That butterfly box is just wonderful! I want to reach out and touch it, to look for little treasures to store in it!

  12. I know I'm repeating myself but I must say "God has given you a gift, such beautiful stiches" and There is no PEACE like the peace you find in knowing Jesus.

  13. I agree what Gail just said. Your gift is amazing. I'm so happy we all can enjoy your work here.

  14. What a beautiful ATC and such a lovely sentiment. I love your Butterfly Box below too. It's gorgeous... the colors work so well together. You do such great work!

  15. This is so beautiful and the idea of peace starting one heart at a time is too.
    I love the little bits of lace and the subtle colors in the background.

  16. OMG how wonderful! I love the colors and the textures:)

  17. Just found your blog through a link from Sammy's blog. Love your ATCs - the hand stitched details really enhance them. Wonderful :)

  18. another really wonderful work !!All things you made are wonderful, i love them all!!!

  19. I sure wish I lived close to you so I could get some one on one instructions on how you make these wonderful pieces of art. Lady said to tel Blue Hello!!!

  20. Anonymous8:43 AM

    this is a wonderful combination of color, design, and image.
