
Saturday, April 28, 2007


Hope is a powerful thing.

Here is the encyclopedias explanation of HOPE:

HOPE is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life. Hope implies a certain amount of perseverance – i.e., believing that a positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary.

This piece is 5"x7" and started with an antique silk crazy quilt piece. It will be listed on eBay Sunday evening. Super size image by clicking on it.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Crazy Quilt Gargoyle

I found a Gargoyle in my Crazy Quilt.
He's staring out at me with not a happy face. He makes me feel guilty for cutting up the antique crazy quilt and doing my altered fabric art collage thingie to it. I almost feel like he's saying STOP! Stop cutting and restore this quilt!!!
Humn... Maybe... I've only cut one 7" strip off the quilt so far, it's still a nice piece... but then I wouldn't have a crazy quilt to alter if I stopped. What to do what to do...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Letters Home

"Letters Home"
This 5x7 crazy quilt piece displays fabric images of postcards from Paris.
Thank you to Anita of My Country Cottage Garden blog who discovered the postcards on a trip to Paris, and was kind enough to send me these scans! I was so pleased and could hardly wait to incorporate them into a cq piece. I think it has a very soft romantic look to it.
Click on picture to see detail. This is listed on eBay this week.

1 Year Blogging!

Today is my 1 year blogging anniversary.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Old Crazy Quilt

When I look at an old crazy quilt that has been worn well with time, I wonder who lovingly stitched the pieces together. I wonder who did the fancy embroidery over the seams. Was their life hard and worn like the quilt?

I cut a piece out, the silk is split, holes are left exposing the flour sacs underneath. I sew on a bird, a verse, some lace, add a flower and beads, and more bright embroidery. Like a new life for a worn traveler. Where has this quilt traveled?
Crazy quilts are healing quilts. The beauty is in the brokenness stitched together. Made with love, worn with time, healed with love. Full circle. It is like healing for a broken heart or a damaged soul. And then… treasured, again.
The above picture is a 5 x 7 piece in progress. The words say "Rejoice in the spring" as Spring is again representative of new life.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

I was going to put this picture of kittens and baby chicks into a CQ piece for Easter, but did not get to it! Maybe next year. These kittens are rejoicing in all things new!
I made this 15 X 15 crazy quilt about 10 years ago to celebrate the love of God.

May everyone have a joyful blessed Easter!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Pickled Asparagus

Pickled Asparagus Spears
Asparagus spears - on sale for 99 cents a pound
Other ingredients - in the cupboard
Recipe - from

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Wings (birds and angels)

For this piece, I have collaged the picture, poem, lace, buttons, etc onto a piece of vintage crazy quilt. It is 5" x 7" size. I like the way this becomes a combination of old and new stitches and I wonder what the person was like who embroidered on the vintage quilt and what her circumstances were. The vintage quilt actually has some machine stitches on it in white thread holding the pieces in place before they were embroidered. I am listing this on ebay this evening. Plus 2 little angel ATC's (2 1/2" x 3 1/2")

We all need angels.