
Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Collage

Still playing with fabric collages this weekend.
The reason I'm not playing outside or in the mountains is that I'm recooperating from a nasty root canal done last Thursday.


  1. This is such a fun idea. It looks great!

  2. How cute! Love this idea Cat!
    I've had three or four root canals...ugh. Hey, my son had 8 teeth pulled out last fall(for orthodonture work) about torture.
    Hope you feel better...try ice. :)

  3. Thank you! Yes, dental work can be torture. I was fine the day of and the day after, then my face started to swell! I'm on ice and 2 antibiotics. Yuk yuk yuk!

  4. Oh, I Love that collage and it actually looks like something I could do. I sure hope your root canal problem is getting better. I hate anything dental,gives me chills thinking of it.
    Bow-wow to Blue from Lady!

  5. Love this piece. I hope you are feeling better. Root canals are no fun.

  6. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Ughhhh, root canal, you poor girl...feel better.

    Love the random edges on this little piece!

  7. Another great example of your many creative talents Cat..really nice!
    Ohhh...I hate root canals! I send you an angel of comfort and healing...
    flutter.. flutter.. NG

  8. I always love your postcards, but this one is just extra cute!

  9. Ouch! Happy Healing..... love your new collage....

  10. I like this piece being posted with your dental woe - it is all crooked (in a GREAT WAY !) and reflective of how you must be feeling at the moment !

    I like the borders not being the usual STRAIGHT edges . Instead it's outside of the box ! YAY.
