
Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Little Pill

I needed something for depression when Blue died.
I got this little pill.

At first when I took it, it had reverse effects.
I missed Blue worse.
Then it sent me on an emotional roller-coaster.
I almost took it back.
But then I had a break-thru and realized she wouldn't "replace" Blue but that I would love her for her own personality and ... yes she is a little joy.
She is a 4 month old Jack Russell with long legs and rough coat.
We named her ANNIE.


  1. she looks full of life and ready to give loads of love. Welcome to Annie

  2. OMG, she's such a doll. And looks like she's just full of it!!! I'm so very happy for you all.

    It was so wonderful to spend time with you and DH over Thanksgiving. It really made our trip special. Hugs & Kisses

  3. Oh Cathy I am so happy to see the first pictures of your little ANNIE! She is soo cute and adorable!

    I just blogged some pictures of new cq hearts. I am still so very thankful for all I learnd from you!

    Best wishes to you and little Annie!

    Hugs, Anita

  4. What a cutie. I understand they are excellent dogs and companions, too.

  5. What a wonderful little bundle of love! I can tell she is ready to give you great joy! Hugs, Mary

  6. Annie is a really cut name...I wanted to share with you that I did hanging Christmas cards for my kids...I love what you do and found myself doing something myself. Not like yours of course. But inspired by your art.
    till next time, Mary

  7. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I about cryed when I saw/read this with pure joy for you my dear sweet friend. Your new love is adorable, Blue would have not only aproved but loved her as well. Congratulation's! Nancy

  8. So glad you decided to open your heart to another "baby".Anyone with as much love to share as you have to give will make such a good home, Annie is one very blessed dog, have fun getting to know each other. BE BLESSED :-)

  9. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Aren't little pills great. I had to have two little ones after my Punky had to leave. (They're all Maltese).

    I see some of Punky occasionally, and often have to remind myself that these two little girls are so very special by being themselves. I cannot imagine not having them and I know that I will not ever let Punky out of my heart.

    I am so happy for you.
    peace, nancy

  10. your dog..full of life..and the best medicine for missing a good friend... Greetings Barbara

  11. I'm so sorry about Blue... You can never replace them, but there is room for more memories to be made....Annie is so cute...maybe we could get her and Gus together...that's what Gus from my blog is...except Gus had short legs and short hair, and a long you can see by the kiss he is giving my grandson.... and you nailed it , they are PILLS.

  12. How strange.
    I was looking back to December 2006 when i looked back on the year in photographs, and you popped by to say Hello.
    It was a year ago when we said goodbye to our beloved Max.
    We too have another german shepherd, she will never replace max, he will always be special.

    Love your new ball of fur!


  13. Hi Annie !

    You are an Adorable Little Pill.

    (((pssst : you got yourself a really good mamma....)))

    Be good and I hope I see lots more of you soon.

    Love, S.
    (dare I say--- Auntie S ???)

  14. omgosh I just enlarged the photo...what a LITTLE DOLL !

  15. I am crying right now, for you, for Blue and for my lost ones. I know what you mean about the emotional roller coaster. I know you will love Annie and she will become special in her own ways.


  16. Am sorry to read of your loss, I know the feeling of letting another animal in your life after you've lost one. I was actually afraid to let myself love our new puppy at first, but they have a way of capturing you!
    Sandra Evertson
    Your needle works are amazing!

  17. I am so happy for you! Congratulations on your new addition!!

  18. It's so sad when our little furry ones leave us. And it does take a while to warm up to a new one. Hopefully this one will have so much personality (like my Maddie does)that you won't have time to be sad anymore.

  19. Congrats on your wonderful new member of the family!

    Also...I just tagged you for a meme, so have a look on my blog. Hope you will play!

  20. Cat Annie is a doll! I know that my little ~Babie~ came to me when I was at my lowest after losing 2 pets within a few months. Having pets fill me up as I am sure little Annie shall.Sweet sweet choice...soon she'll be riding the winds on the Harley too!! hugs aNNa xo

  21. you must be a very special person. I can't imagine how extremely difficult it must be to take this kind of pill so very soon after losing such a beloved. You're some kind of strong and giving person to welcome her. Welcome to Annie -- she looks like a treasure.

    Diane, Sand to Glass
    & Dogs Naturally

  22. So sweet! I am sure you will come to appreciate Annie as much as you do Blue. Never replaced and never forgotten. Just more room in our hearts to love!

  23. what is the latest on Your Little Pill ?

  24. What a sweetie. You'll have great fun with her.
