
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Me and MiAmi (My Annie)

Do all dogs have a million nick-names?
Orphan Annie
Annie Bananni
Bug Grubber
she comes to them all...
...with a wag of the tail
and a smile...
...behind black lips


  1. What a beautiful, beautiful photo of the two of you.

  2. She's such a sweetie. We have lots of nicknames for our doggies too. Twyla

  3. What did you do to your hair? Is it different? It looks fabulous!

    I had an English Setter pup way back when named Anna. Anna Banana, that is...or BoNan...or Bonehead! The poor friendly but not so bright thing was done in by a rattlesnake she was trying to make friends with when I lived in New Mexico....very sad!

    You look so happy with MiAmni!

  4. What a Coupla Dolls !

    It IS funny how you get a million nick names for your pets. And they know them all. Love them all. Love to hear you say their names.

    I laughed when I read yours My MiAmi. I think I can almost hear you saying it to her.

    Oh lots of love to you both.

  5. Would love one to go with the picture of you on your Harley. It's beautiful of you both.
    I also have nick~names for my kid's. Wish I could give you both hug's!
    :) Blessing's Nanabuzlife

  6. What a great photo. I love your hair! And yes, I think they all do have a lot of nicknames. Our Fritz is also, Fritter, Boo, Boo-Doggy, Boozer, and Mom's Sweetboy. Gosh, that sounds weird now that I list them. LOL!

  7. I don't think my Maxie knows his real name, for I call him Macaroni, Mackey, snicklefritz, etc. and it goes on.....I find since he is abour 14 years old, his hearing is going, and his eyesight too.....I will be so sad when he leaves me....that is the only trouble getting attached to dogs or any animals....
