
Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Snow

First snow of the season...
...piled deep.
They call it "lake effect"
when it does this .
I call it cold too early.
It will melt...
...this week.
It will be 70 degrees
by Friday!


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    No no...say it ain't so!!

    They are threatening some flakes for us tomorrow....I agree, WAY too early.

  2. wow...snow...I saw snow last week on a trip near our your photo...and....changes of seasons ....I am in love with each season..kisses Barbara

  3. Oh wow, that seems so early Cat!!
    We have had high temperatures in the uk for the last couple of days - also unexpected!(But we know it will change dramatically this week.)
    Thank you for your kind comment about my painting. I am doing the Suzi Blu workshop and have learnt such a lot (still have a lot more to go!!)
    Best wishes,
    Linda x

  4. Now that looks cold and beautiful! I chuckled to myself because on Saturday the wind was blowing really hard here and the temperature dropped 15 degrees in one day. I was complaining how "cold" I felt. Geez, I am so not cold :) Thanks for the amazing photo. I guess this is cuddles with Annie week! Pam in Chico

  5. Wow! I cannot imagine seeing snow this time of year. Its beautiful though. We are getting that front here by thursday and then we are cooling down alot. How's Ms. Annie doing? Tell her Lady says "arf arf"!

  6. you know, you scroll down a bit and you see a summer fire in the back and a man in shorts !

    Then here you are ankle deep in snow


    Mother Nature.... menopausal ?


  7. We had alittle snow here also, but it was mostly in Boise. I love the picture. I am so not ready yet!
    I have been busy cleaning...yikes!
    Hugs, Mary

  8. You have my sympathies on snow so early -- I could very happily live the rest of my life and never see snow again. I'm glad we haven't had any early surprises like this.

  9. Sunday we had a wonderful warm (even hot) day and sat out in the sun.

  10. Here in Belgium we only can dreams about snow. Nice for make photographs.

  11. Gosh Cat, I can't believe it on the 4th you showed us a photo of your sweet doing a cook-out [BBQ] & now on the 12th you show us 'SNOW' I can't believe the seasons change so quick up there???
    Unbelievable ... it does look so pretty though but there again I don't have to deal with the slush that must be around when it melts.
    I loved you latest crazy quiltie very beautiful... keep warm ... OOroo ... Bethel

  12. Snow on Columbus Day? Yoiks! Does this mean an early winter, or what?
