
Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Jack Pack goes Camping

We have some friends that we used to go on motorcylce trips with... and now that we are soft seniors...well...soft mainly... 3 of us are over 50... we take motorhomes now instead of beating ourselves up on the bikes!
This is camp...soft style.
Here is Annie, when she was still clean...
bath time tonight!

And below is Jackie! She has grown since the last time I posted puppy pictures! She is much larger than Annie, and is the strongest. Annie is still maintaining Alpha dog currently though.And... Whiskey. Quiet, shy, skinny Whiskey... who has learned how to control the other 2 dogs with her brain games.
Here are the pups at play... they love to grab each others leashes and pull and tug...
...and they love to wrestle
...whisper into each others ears...
"if you pull on my leash again you are history honey."


  1. What a fun post, how happy and healthy they look! I love the pig below - is it in your Etsy store? I am off to check...

  2. Cute puppy photos! The days of sleeping on the ground are long gone here, too. Wisdom, right?

  3. awwww....these little puppies are SO cute! and i LOVE your polka-dot piggie! :)

  4. The sweetest familY!! Too cute!
    My brother and sis in law are
    RV-ing across Canada & U.S.A. for a year..and shall end up in Arizona
    in March when we're there! What a simple relaxed life!
    Great idea to RV with friends like you are!

  5. Oh, the pups have really grown! All of them are so precious! I know they all have a fun time playing together. Lady says she wishes could play with them!

  6. My goodness, how your little ones have grown! Annie is just too cute. Love the long fur.

    Looks like you have your own little city, there. How fun! Have a great week.

  7. These are the cutest pictures, and i love your comments about your 'kids'. What a beautiful family!

  8. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Oh my. I really love dogs. Had one all the years of my life. Except the last three after Autumn Eve died in 2006 - she was a toy fox terrier but bigger than most.

    My wife said no more as she doesn't want to go through that separation thing again. It is hurtful but I sure would be willing. lol

    I laughed all the way through this post and thoroughly enjoyed looking at each one of your dogs on vacation. They are something else.

    I am now 75 years old. So you can imagine I have had a lot of dogs beginning with an all white fox terrier I named Betty when I was about one.

    Thank you very much for visiting My Birds Blog and for the comment you left me there about my goldfinch photograph. My Birds Blog

  9. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Just catching up. I'm sure your friend is a beautiful angel and I love the stitchery of her. I so enjoy the pics of the pups, they are adorable. Me, I'm just plugging along. Somedays I get a bit of energy and take advantage and then I torture the guys and tell them they have to cook. No more energy :)

  10. Just trying to catch up with what you've been up to. Your stiching is true art in cloth,my granddaughter would love the horse and I was in awe of all the details on the barn. Great pics of the girls, they are as cute as can be.Lenny is still in the hospital,no test results yet.I will try and post when this is all over.
