
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bunnies in the Aspens

In September 2009 we went camping up on Monte Cristo
and I took a sketch pad and drew pictures
of bunnies in the Aspens.
Of course there were no bunnies way out in the wilderness
except in my sketches.
This weekend we went to the exact same place to camp,
and look what was there...
Did I make that happen?

He even liked us.

The Jack pack had to be contained though...


  1. yehhh you are magic


    soo, come here , sit in my backyard

    and draw me a money tree

    pleasepleaseplease ???

    and bring the jacks !


  2. did you make that little curtain / valance above mh window ???


  3. maybe the rabbit is your totem....


  4. How neat was that to have happened?!

    I'm laughing at your pooches all eager to get out and chase the bunny :0

    Oh how I'd love to have a camper myself!!

  5. Wow, it's like a childrens book! You drew it, and it came true! What will you draw next??!! Your Jack Pack cracked me right up. My Ellie would just love to roll and around and wrestle with your crew.

  6. Hi Cat:
    I love your drawing, and then to have the bunny actually come to visit was wonderful.

    Your Jack pack photo is just so perfect! To have all three ruffians intent on the bunny must have been a hoot for you! They're nothing if not focused.

    Have a great week.

  7. Does that bunny have extra long ears? Right at the moment I'm a bit miffed at out resident rabbits. They daintily "pruned" my special 4-leaf clover plant, but they'll never find where I moved it...I hope!

  8. Mystical how things like this happen huh! Kind of neat Id say,....I love your dogs, I just laughed when I saw those 3 tails and the little ears. Adorable!!

    Thanks for sharing

  9. I love this story about the bunny, and that picture of the Jack pack is just to cute for words. Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

  10. Wow, your bunny tale is cool (cue the Twilight Zone music)..... and your girls are hilarious! It’s good to be seeing more of you! Hugs, Cathy

  11. A Rabbit was on your wish list, and he is beautiful. I love the drawing also. No to the Jack Pack, I love this picture. This is just to cute for words.
    Happy Summer....I did get a quilt made for our new Granddaughter... Hugs, Mary

  12. Cat it is amazing how we visualize and it appears!
    I have always visualized myself living in a house in the woods near a beach and guess what we are relocating to just that!!!!The power of the mind!!
    Love the jack pack...all your babies! :)

  13. Ah, that is a great story! Glad your summer is going well! Those pups look very interested in Mr. Bun Bun! xo pam in chico

  14. Our computer is so dark, I see nothing. But am guessing there are bunnies there now?
    Yes Cat, they are there because of you!! :)

  15. Great story, Cat. It's nice to see where you draw your inspiration from. The Jack pack photo is just too cute.

    Thanks for stopping by and good luck to you on eating more healthy!

  16. You have that magic touch, I know you have....
    Love the Jack pack... let me out, let me out, I wantta play with that brown thingo...
