
Friday, August 04, 2006

The Bird in My Heart

This is a busy piece representing the need to fly within me. The bird within. The embellishments are collaged onto an antique crazy quilt that had many thread bare fabric pieces. Crazy quilts are so much like life - such a combination of good times and bad times and so many thread-baring experiences to go thru! Those experiences, although tough, make our lives beautiful and ourselves more understanding of other's hardships.
I'm pulling from last year's creations again, I have been bombarded with ripe tomatoes and busy days!


  1. This one takes me back to the "Fallen Angel" post I printed..the bird I hold within..the lesson I learned..we never know what tomorrow will bring so enjoy
    today at its fullest! Yet another though provoking post my Ms. Cat!
    Send some of those tomatoes my way! :)

  2. Love this one!!! Watcha doin with all your tomatoes?????

  3. ooh yum! home grown tomatoes! can't wait til it's time to plant mine. I think we all have the need to fly within us - sometimes we suffocate that need. We need to let it out and soar!

  4. just saying hello again! you must be off riding that Harley xo enjoy!

  5. The next post explains where we've been! It is Sturgis bike week though, and so many riders are heading up to the rally... made our hearts ache.. and want to fly!
    When got married 10 years ago in the Tetons, and wanted to go to Sturgis for a honeymoon but the old motorcycle we had at the time was broke down... so I guess it's only fitting that we didn't go on out 10th aniversary either! lol, Cat

  6. You are such a free and light spirit have invisible wings. Sturgis is on my list of to do in this life... the Tetons have got to be THE most beautiful mountains! Waht a romantic place to be married!

  7. I love everything that is going on in this piece.
    Happy anniversary! great house!!! what a spot.

  8. Oh this is one of my favorites! I love the beading, the collecting of memories and experiences, the depth of color and thought you have placed in the design.

    You make me smile when you wrote, "ripe tomates" I love this moment of summertime!
