
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Old stuff...

Did I mention we have a lot of old stuff to move?
We are getting all the outdoor things moved over this weekend. All the motorcycles, snowmobiles, old cars... All the garage stuff, yard stuff, camping stuff...

I am doing the final pack up on the kitchen - yahoo, time for take-out now.

On the final week...

There is a light at the end of this tunnel of boxes!


  1. Hey I want that old car !

    that is very kool and it can keep the thunderbird company !

    O. you are buzy.

    You are gonna be a tired cookie.

    tired-er I mean !

    Happy first official day of autumn.

    Missing you.

  2. I loe old cars.. very nostalgic.. don't ever leave it behind.. hold on.. very ew days ..and off you will be in a brand new fresh home..
    let it be easy for you..
    take care..

  3. Good luck for the move to your new house. I now how stressful it is, I moved three times in the last four years.

  4. Good luck with the move Cat.

  5. Yes, when the kitchen stuff goes, it is definitely almost over. I love the old car. You gonna cherry it out and return it to vintage. It really has potential.

  6. Noooo, the car will stay a wreck behind the garage... no more projects! Maybe a son will....

  7. No that's a real old relic!!

  8. Ugh, moving makes us clean up, throw out and give away things we have collected...we moved two years ago...(I might have to post about my experience one day...but in a nutshell this is what I did:) after days of packing I had an idea to solve my dread of dealing with all my stuff idea...I called a fellow antique dealer, and told her I was having a sale. She came to my house in a blink of an eye. I showed her the piles and piles of stuff. She said how much? I didn't want to deal with any of it... so I said a price I knew she couldn't refuse.

    This is to say that old car is a keeper. I hope that the fatigue of moving doesn't lead to your selling it, like I did with my things.

  9. That is a cool car,,I love vintage anything,,lol. I know your ready for this move to be over with aren't you? Well thats the best part of moving, getting to do take out,,,
    Hope your sunday is going good!!

  10. This car is cool! I've always thought that if I were a man I'd repair these antique cars. I think these are very charming.I also could take a summer car like old Volkswagen, 1960...

  11. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Oh, Baumcat! What an adventure you are on! We have moved so often, that I haven't acquired much really, and I still can't hate to pack! I will surely think of you the next time I move!

  12. Oh Gosh Cat....I thought my move was a pain!!!! At least you see a light Girl!!! Moving is hard work!!!

  13. what a neat old car! what are you going to do with that? Just think you are on the down hill run !

  14. Happy moving, Cat!

    P.S. You could always collage the car!!

    Your ex-yard looks gorgeous...

  15. Ours is the house hidden in all the trees.

  16. yikes ! this is it ! this is your final day ? last night ???

    I guess your computer is all tucked away too....hope to hear from you soon.

    Love, S.

  17. That is one cool old car...make a huge planter out of it and fill it with sweet peas next spring! ;) You're on the down hill stretch...can't wait to see and hear about your new digs...I sure miss ya! xxxoooKR

  18. Anonymous10:30 PM

    What happened to the old car??? I love old cars like that... :)
