
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Stepping Stones

Faith will lay the stepping stones.
I made this piece before the move, and thought it was quite appropriate as we ventured forth into new territory. I can walk without fear knowing that stepping stones will be placed in front of me.
I rely heavy on this faith through life, especially when one of my children are going thru trials and I have decisions to make that will have lasting effects. In fact I don't know how one can get thru the dark times without faith - I would curl up and die. But instead there is a way that is visible with faith.

I will list this 5 x 7 quiltie on ebay after I find my packaging supplies...


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    From Joy - Oh, Cat, this is so beautiful and true. When we, or our children, are experincing trying times we would be lost without faith to direct us and prop us up to go on

  2. Cat, be strong and sure and stand on what you have done in faith and who you heart goes out to you and I am holding your hand as a mom dealing with these tests with my own will move mountains...(((hugs)))

  3. Cat another powerful post for me and so appropriate to what I am experiencing watching my mother journey through Alzheimers disease diagnosed very recently.Each day we see her she has stepped forward into new territory.We have stepped with her as it is my journey now too.So true faith is all I have to hold on to as my mother slips away.

  4. lovely! I bet you cannot wait til you are all settled and you can get back into the swing of creating. I guess we all need faith in this life - faith that there is 'someone or something' bigger than us who can support us in times of trials xo

  5. I wish those stepping stones.. are laid for all of us.. it is good to believe in it.. I want to believe in it.. I have some problems at home.. and every morning wake up with the belief that it will be settled .. this special day.. but my belief did not help yet.. wait for it..
    I love the patchwork.. how sweet..
    it is good to see.. you have started to create again.. enjoy your sunday..

  6. Hey Bumcat---oh did I drop the A ??? sorry about that

    I know, I am on the blog now...behave.

    This quilt is beautiful....this message of FAITH really spoke to me, I dont know why I was joking around .

    It hit a chord. I need to have more faith.

    thank you for that.

    Are those stones from the path in your garden ?

    That lower left hand corner is just bursting with love and movement with all of the stitching and embellishments. And the angel looking over things and guiding all.
    It is a really beautiful piece.
    With a strong message.

    ps. the way you used the pink and green stitching around the photo is so pretty. I really like that.

  7. THANK YOU to all! Encouragement makes me want to create!
    NatureGirl - Alzheimers is such a difficult disease, may it be easy on your mother. May you have a light heart and be able to laugh.
    Pinar - In God's time...may your problems melt away. I don't know if we pray to the same God or not, but probably the same one hears our prayers. (Does that make sense?!) Bless you.
    Crabapple - "A" what??? I took a picture of my stone path, but liked this one I found on line better so I used it. Is your home computer working yet???
    Love to all, Cat

  8. Your art is so very beautiful...I love every stich of it....and stepping stones are important to everyone...I wish we all have some matter who the God is....hmmm I sound like Pinar with all these.....

  9. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I love it!

  10. Interesting, this concept is the signature on my email "Don't worry about stumbling over rocks as you walk you will soon find they are just your life stepping stones", or something very similar. I'm glad your move is over and the moving in on its way. Thanks for taking time and sharing all of it with us. As for your 5 wierd things, I didn't know I was wierd. The only difference is I watch movies, but I don't know all the stars,directors, etc. names.

  11. What a beautiful work of art! Everything about it is just lovely, the colors, the stitches, the theme. Love it!
    I just discovered your blog through MariaJ's blog, through Lis's blog. Funny how one gets to other people's blogs and discovers a bit of beauty.

  12. Such a gorgeous piece!

    There are times in our lives when without faith it would be difficult to continue.

  13. I just discovered your blog through a newbie on COH (ChainsofHearts) and have fallen in love with your work. I may go back and leave comments on some of your other work... but had to respond here..... Faith as small as a mustard seed can indeed move mountains and boost us up through trials.... I am a full-time caregiver to DH who has been bedfast 6+years and faith carries me through each day. Bless you for this beautiful piece of needlework.
