
Sunday, November 26, 2006


Let it snow let it snow let it snow!
Oh the weather outside is sunny,
and that just isn't funny,
We need to see some cold stuff,
til we can say "that's enough!"
So... let is snow let it snow let it snow!
Do I hear any AMENs?!!!
Is there anyone out there in blog land that wants it to snow???
Any skiers, snowboarders, snowmobilers?
Okay... how about anyone who just likes snowflakes?
If so... cut out a paper snowflake and post it on your blog!
If we can get enough snow in blog-land... maybe my dreams will come true...
Check out this link to real snowflakes!


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Amen...and here in Texas, well, it just ain't a gonna happen!

  2. Anonymous9:54 PM

    From Joy: Doesn't happen very often in the Hill Country of Texas. Oh, I wish it would! It is in the 70's now during the day, but we have a cold front predicated to arrive Thursday with 40 mph winds and a hard freeze Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights - but in the 50's during the day. Lucky you, the artic front coming thru will have to go through Utah first - maybe it will bring you some snow and you can ride your snowmobile. I saw a bunch of jet skis on the lake this weekend. Most of our neighbors were here today to get their boats and jet skis ready for winter . . . ours were drained a couple of weeks ago. Hope you get a GOOD snowfall really soon - like tomorrow!

  3. Anonymous10:00 PM

    JOY again: I forgot to mention the snowflake website is wonderful! Such beautiful pictures of snowflakes..saw the photograper on tv a few days ago - he had very fancy AND expensive camera equipment!

  4. Fab idea Cat, but I don't want it to snow before er let's say Saturday please ;-) I still habe to rake all the leaves in my back yard lol I'm going to make a snowflake as soon as I can!

  5. I made a snowflake last night !
    I have not done that in years and it was soo much fun.
    Oh I just want to make a pile of them and hang them.
    And I just might !
    Thank you for wonderful inspiration.
    I will post mine later - cloudy and dark here today with Lovely Delicious BEautiful RAIN finally !!! so tell me - did you get snow then ?? Did our little Prayer Snowflakes do the trick ?
    What a fun idea Cat. Very FUN.
    Now tell me , is this an Ancient Utah Indian Secret ?
    Make the snowflakes - they will come ?

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Wonderful snowflake Cat. I am a bit behind with my snowflakes this year. I cover most of the windows in the house with them. I didn't one year and the neighbors were concerned about me. I will wish snow your way; here it was in the 50's for the past four days - just beautiful but due to change tomorrow.

    Have you used snowflakes in your crazy quilting? Peace

  7. Snow is definitively on my wish list ..... for X-Mas - but not before! ;-))
    Your snowflake is great and I hope you will soon get the snow you are longing for - and more!

  8. Dang ! is this your cutout???

    This is a GOOD snowflake !

    I have alot of practicing to do to get anywhere near as pretty as this one.

    But it sure is fun.

  9. Hehe, I think it is unlikely in my part of Australia - but I can wish it for you!

  10. last time it snowed.. it was a disaster for Istanbul..schools were the service buses could not enter some parts of the city..
    but I had to go to work.. no way out from the street for the car..
    I had to walk the way down to the subway..and walk again after..
    it could be nice if I was not in a hurry..=))
    well let it snow but.. not much in here.. the city just dies back..

  11. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I love your snowflake! I was inspired to get out the scissors too. It's been a long time and mine look more like mayan symbols than snowflakes :) but I'm going to post them.
    p.s. I love your work!
