
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dance on the Water

Wishing everyone
***HAPPINESS FOR 2007!***
"Dance on the water of life"
Here is a joyful piece offering encouragement to all to get out of the boat and dance in 2007!! Have a little faith! Enjoy life! Be Happy! Take a chance!
5X7 crazy quilt collage
Scheduled on eBay Sunday 31st thru Sunday 6th.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Party's Over

What do you think of this little guy? Doesn't he look like he's a little worse for the wear after a big party!? He's a WAXED BEAR gift from a neighbor, and he sat in the middle of the table thru the last 2 festive days. Doesn't look too happy... but it was quite the party! I think a nap is in store.

It's quiet here now, the main wave has swept by and this will be a relaxing week with only 2 houseguests left.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and are ready to embark on a wonderful New Year!

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Merry Christmas!

This is our little LIVE tree that we will plant outside after the holidays, we also have a large decorated artificial tree. I am not a decorator - and I didn't put up any of my crazy quilt ornaments! Weird, I know. I love to make it and give it a home, but rarely keep my own work. ONE DAY... I do want to do a real cq - like a throw size for a KEEPER! But not today.

This is a snow-globe - WOW, huh! It was a gift this year. I've never seen a snow-globe that wasn't round and you had to turn it upside down and shake to make it snow. This one has a light inside and pretty snow, and the carolers sing, "WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS"! And you don't even have to shake it - you just flip the switch... The street lamp even comes on. Oh, and on the back side there is a dog standing up to peek in the window. I love it.

Tonight the company starts rolling in and we will have a house full for a week.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Healing Rain

I made this little ditty because I like the song
"Healing Rain" by Michael W. Smith.
Have you ever just stood out in the rain
when your heart was hurting?
Have you experienced rain from Heaven
that lights a fire in your soul?
This will be on eBay the week inbetween Christmas & New Years.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Terriers and snowflakes in the mail!

Beth and I swaped ATC's of our Terriers. Her's is a frisky lookin' Terrier named LADY. These came in today's mail - they are wonderful!

Lady is a well dressed Terrier, doesn't her flower match her eyes well!?

And here Lady is wishing us a merry little Christmas...

And here is Blue's first Christmas card, from Lady of course!

Woowhooo!!! I've got a ladyfriend!!!

Thanks BETH!!!! We love them!

In today's mail also... a beautiful hand stitched snowflake from Nancy. I love snowflakes!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

O Tannenbaum

Finally got the Christmas tree put up & decorated.

How many days left... 15... ohmygosh.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Candle for Lisa

Heartfelt condolenses sent for sweet Lisa.
There is a light in the darkness
and LOVE shines on.

Monday, December 04, 2006


I've slowed way down on making things, finished up 2 ornies for eBay, and have 2 left unfinished that I might keep. Usually I'm hit by new inspiration in January..

Friday, December 01, 2006

Another Snowflake

I had to make one more snowflake because I thought the other one was just too "thick".

Now... these 2 snowflakes are the extent of my Christmas decorations!

This weekend... must shop.

Everyone have a good weekend!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Snowflake Art

I found out that cutting snowflakes out of fabric is much tougher than cutting them out of paper. Here is a backwards progression of my snowflake art w/ fabric. (Backwards because I never remember that with blogger you post the last picture first... and I'm a little thick about this posting stuff still... ) Any way the first pic here is my finished snowflake piece, beads and all.
Size you ask... it's 5 1/2" diameter.
The next picture was when I had most the black embroidery done, and was to the point of asking myself "what next?".
And below is the cutout fabric snowflake on top of black felt.

This all left me amazed at those Hawaiian quilts with the intricate designs appliqued on the fabric - like how do they do that?!!!
Snow update: It's a comin' down!
Make those snowflakes!

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Let it snow let it snow let it snow!
Oh the weather outside is sunny,
and that just isn't funny,
We need to see some cold stuff,
til we can say "that's enough!"
So... let is snow let it snow let it snow!
Do I hear any AMENs?!!!
Is there anyone out there in blog land that wants it to snow???
Any skiers, snowboarders, snowmobilers?
Okay... how about anyone who just likes snowflakes?
If so... cut out a paper snowflake and post it on your blog!
If we can get enough snow in blog-land... maybe my dreams will come true...
Check out this link to real snowflakes!

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Queen of Cats

The Queen of Cats for MaryEllen's deck of ATC's.
MaryEllen, email me your address and this fancy crowned kitty is yours!

Thursday, November 23, 2006


A prayer for a Peaceful Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Santa ATC

Vintage Santa with children ATC.
I've got to quit this soon and start Christmas shopping.
ATC 2 1/2" X 3 1/2" - on eBay

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Postcard #3

Making these postcards has been quite fun, if any of you fabric artists or collage artists haven't done an art postcard yet - why not? It's a must! It is a good size to work with (4 x 6) and the piece is very stable when done. Try it & enjoy!

It's been a sunny Sunday - extremely nice for November!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Saturday's Angel

Saturday's angel floats in blues and purples
Playing her trumpet to announce

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

...and on the back side

In case anyone is wondering what the other side of a fabric art postcard looks like...
I use card stock - I've seen some with fabric on the back, and I've seen some real pretty hand drawn ones with the card stock too.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Postcard #2

4" X 6" Fabric Art Postcard
There's an angel at your door.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006


I've been making 3 1/2" diameter Christmas CQ ornaments.
Here are 2 of them that I listed on ebay last night.
See EBAY SALES link at right.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Christmas Post Card

Having fun with a Christmas Postcard.
Made the crazy quilt then stitched it onto
card stock backing.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Family Quilts

I pulled the quilts out of the trunk. These are all either ones I inherited or ones I made. You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.
No crazy quilts in the bunch, what a shame!

The oldest is the red & tan & beige one, there is a barn raiser, an altered 9 patch, the Sunbonnet Sue, the double wedding ring, and a quilt top that may have been made by a child.

The one's I made are 2 baby quilts - the grandmothers flower garden and the nine patch. Also the small quilt with 2 baskets & flowers. I made the log cabin one and the one next to it I called "Dakota Winter" because I made it (hand stitched) when living in a motorhome in North Dakota during the winter (long story) - the lavender and grays were inspired by barn tops... Oh and there's the one with the 6 pointed stars all by hand using paper template piecing.

I've made many other quilts, most all as donations to fundraisers.

That's it. I've gone completely crazy since those days though - I love crazy quilts, and like to make my little crazy quilt collages - I don't keep them - they all go to ebay or give away.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Old Trunk

If antiques could talk, I wonder what story this old trunk would tell. Stories of riding on trains and carriages... stories of carrying pretty dresses for a young woman (I believe it was my Great Grandmother) off to boarding school... Did it travel the seas? Across the country? The leather handles wore out long ago and were replaced with rope ones. And oh what character it displays with worn off travel tags and beat up edges! I use this old trunk to store my collection of antique quilts and quilt tops that I started that I'm sure will be antique before they are ever finished!
...and tucked in the cubby in the lid... the ring pillow from my wedding.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


I got treasures in the mail yesterday. I was "oh my gosh" for a while and my husband asked me what it was, and I said "chrome". Because a biker understands that chrome is a highly valued possession. My chrome is beads and yarns and oh what pretties!!! They were an unexpected surprise from an online friend.
THANKS JOY! I just happened to have a piece ready to be embellished... and the colors worked perfect. I was able to use the fuzzy yarn around the picture, the sead beads in the top corner, and the glass flower beads (the pink one is a Czech glass bead) in the ribbon array. I'm going to have some fun with these treasures!
Oh happy day!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Good Neighbors

If I can't see little Blue out back I just look for the big horses and usually Blue is right there too. He seems to have a sort of comradeship with them.

This is our beautiful neighbor to the South.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Hope Changes

Measures 4" X 6". Will list on ebay this evening.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

5 Weird things about me

I’ve been tagged by a bloggin’ game. The 5 weird things one… (I even put a picture of weird me to the left.)

I’m assuming all you bloggers know how it works – you get tagged and you post five oddities about yourself, then tag someone else. Simple, huh, so if I tag you at the end, don’t panic. If you’ve been tagged before… your choice to go again or not, and if you haven’t and don’t want to play, that’s fine too!

5 weird things about me:

1. I am not good socially. I withdraw around people. When I was a little girl my best friends were animals.
2. I’m a tom-boy. I could always run with the guys better than chat with the gals. (That works as I have 2 sons, 2 step-sons, 2 grandsons, and 3 nephews. Not to mention a motor-head husband who loves having a wife racing along beside him on a motorcycle or tearing up the hill on a snowmobile.)
3. There are opposites in my interests – for being a tom-boy and not a girly-girl, I love crazy quilting.
4. I am not a movie watcher. Weird, I know. Mention stars or scenes or even TV serials and you’ll draw a blank from me.
5. Same goes with music, I can’t “name that tune” in ½ a song let alone 6 notes, I can’t name the song artist either.

I would like to tag 3 international blogging friends:
Pinar from Turkey, Maria from Finland, and Anita from Germany.

Sunrise / Sunset


Fill my world with color
and implant it in my soul.
For if the day shall become gray
I will remember.
These are my new views - The living room and the computer room look to the morning sun as it rises over the mountains, and the kitchen, dining room, and bedroom look to the evening sky.