
Monday, January 29, 2007

My HeART for You... #2

It has been so neat to see the participation on the HeART for you sharing started by Sandy. I wanted to put on a #2 to giveaway from the drawing also. Comments on either entry will be in the hat, the first pick will be for the felted angel, and the second pick for this 4" crazy quilt heart coaster. I totally appreciate all your comments and getting to meet a few more bloggers.

Here are some more bloggers giving their HeART away:

click here, and here, and here, and here, and here!


Have Fun!
And the winner is [ Betzie ]. Check back Feb 2nd!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A Valentine for YOU*

*If you are the lucky pick!

That ARTTEALIFE blog really get's things started doesn't she...
She offered Free ART from the HEART - a Valentine for a lucky winner...
which is such a terrific idea for Valentine's day!!!

So, I will join in... and offer this ATC Valentine angel...WITH LOVE
to the pick from the batch. (yes I'll be blindfolded)
Just leave your name and I will post the winner
on Feburary 2nd right here:
The winner is [ Naturegirl ] Yeah yahoo!
Then you can email me your addy.
Thanks to Sandy for the inspiration!

Cupid's Ride

"Cupid's Ride" is ready for eBay, and hopefully will ride into someones heart.
This piece has fiber felted into wool and seed beads sewn thru. I crazy quilted the corners on. This is ATC size (2 1/2 x 3 1/2)
Just a note: My computer is acting weird and crashes unexpectedly, especially when I try to email. It will need some work done on it... just trying to get along until time allows!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

More Snowmobile Pics

We went snowmobiling again today, and I wanted to share some more pictures. In this first one there is a mountain in the distance between the pine trees, it is Mt. Timpanogos, it is the second highest mountain in Utah's Wasatch Range, with an elevation of 11,747 feet above sea level. As you can see, we were pretty high in elevation too!This next picture is just some of the area we went thru.
And this last one [click to enlarge] may not look like much, but it is a huge steep hill that is funner than any rollercoaster or amusement park ride ever. We point our snowmobiles straight up and in a standing position give it all it's got, go as high as we can, then let the machine turn and head down - what seems like straight down. The adrenaline rush is out of this world!
And now... I'm sore and tired!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Valentine ATC's

These were made using black acrylic felt, I chain stitched the hearts, then felted in some yarn fibers, then added the sequins and beads. Similar to the Christmas trees I made. These are eBay items. I need to get busy and finish up at least one more thing for tomorrow's listings.
Click to enlarge pictures - to see embellishments.
Size of these is 2 1/2" X 3 1/2"

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I've been wondering what felting is for a looooong time, and saw it mentioned on Micki's blog. I just HAD to go buy myself a felting needle and base pad and give it a try. Now... all I did was add a little bit of fiber & yarn to an existing piece of wool felt... but it was really cool! All you do is stab this needle thingy into the fiber & felt... and it joins the fibers together. I did an ATC size, added an iron on picture, did my feather stitch, added some beads, and wala... here's what I got:
Now my visions include landscapes of mountains and trees and sunsets - all felted... (yeah right). Need more supplies!! Or... wasn't I going to organize what I had with this new year and NOT buy new? Forget that.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Crazy Quilt Cats #2 and #3

She wears a tag on her collar that say's "Dream".
She partied so much that her face turned green. (lol)

Note as per questions: These are 5x7

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Winter fun...

Early in the morning on the weekend... into the canyon and up to the mountains. Snowmobiles in tow. It was a bit too cold as the sun barely was trying to wake up.
We rode in beautiful mountain meadows and thru narrow roads in the trees.
We rode on a path that was steep down one side and steep up the other. I didn't blink.
And we were on top of the world.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Flowers from the Heart

I'm joining Sandy in submitting a piece for the Lovely Hearts fundraiser. This girl with flowers is on her way. Thank you Sandy (the blogger with the worlds biggest lovely heart) for turning me onto this opportunity to give to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Most of us are touched by cancer some way or another - be it ourselves or a friend or a family member. It robs. I will be very grateful someday to hear of more and more advances in kicking the nasty disease out of our lives.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007