
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Winter fun...

Early in the morning on the weekend... into the canyon and up to the mountains. Snowmobiles in tow. It was a bit too cold as the sun barely was trying to wake up.
We rode in beautiful mountain meadows and thru narrow roads in the trees.
We rode on a path that was steep down one side and steep up the other. I didn't blink.
And we were on top of the world.


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Hi Cat, you really live in an area surrounded by beauty. Hope you both had a wonderful time!! Joy

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Gee thanks! I had to go dust off my ski clothes. There is just nothing that compares to having that first cup of coffee and watching the sun come up over the mountains. Or riding the motorcyle up the canyon on a clear winter day for a burger and a beer.

  3. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Beautiful pictures! Sounds like you had a great time!

  4. Anonymous7:15 PM

    wow it all looks so pristine and lovely. Sounds like a fabulous way to spend a winters day.

  5. Wow

    How kool

    and I loved hearing you tell it


    great pix too


  6. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Wow, winter wonderland! I envy your weather and the mountains nearby....

    Over here in Europe, we are "suffering" from a too warmish January.... with temperatures around 10 °C/50 °F, you may think it's the beginning of spring instead of winter, cold and lots of snow...

    Have lots of fun!

  7. Anonymous12:14 AM

    How beautiful and looks like so much fun. Must be awesome being on top of the world.

  8. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Sunny greatings from vienna! At present it have 15°C. The flowers be in bloom. To make such atmospheric pictures of snow I have to wait ....

  9. Anonymous3:49 PM

    The pictures are great.....I'm glad your having fun......It does look like a winter wonderland....

  10. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Looks like a lot of snowy fun. You should have even more of the white stuff to play in now, or soon!

  11. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Truly a winter wonderland ride...I am sure you were pleased to finally ride the snowmobile! I think you are a gal that loves the wind in her hair!These images are beautiful particularly the tracks in the snow.
    hugs NG

  12. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Just left Giggles BC blog, and her fotoz of winter snows in Canada only to come to these beautiful if not chilly willy scenes. Is this up towards the Tetons?

  13. This is just a short drive from where I live. The canyon shown is Ogden Canyon and the mountain area is called Monte Cristo. When you look at the last picture and see the large mountains to the West, Ogden is smack dab on the other side of those.

  14. Wonderful! I feel like I am there with you! How beautiful it must feel, the air so pure and the silence so strong!

  15. Anonymous10:00 AM

    It's beautiful, but burrrrr!

    Thank you for your comment about the journal. I think you would enjoy doing needlefelting.

  16. VoW..I enlarged the pics and the view is amazing. Its so nice you can use your snowmobiles now! I have once drived that too and my husband is like a child when he drives it. Its so much fun.

    Oh and how cool that you knew that crochet pattern on my blog!

  17. Oh wow,,that looks like so much fun, Cat! I know you love being there in that beautiful countryside! Its so pretty!

  18. Wow that's what Winter should look like, lucky you, enjoy!

  19. With the fresh snow fall you probably can't even SEE that road now .... Gosh it is pretty .
