Monday, January 29, 2007

My HeART for You... #2

It has been so neat to see the participation on the HeART for you sharing started by Sandy. I wanted to put on a #2 to giveaway from the drawing also. Comments on either entry will be in the hat, the first pick will be for the felted angel, and the second pick for this 4" crazy quilt heart coaster. I totally appreciate all your comments and getting to meet a few more bloggers.

Here are some more bloggers giving their HeART away:

click here, and here, and here, and here, and here!


Have Fun!
And the winner is [ Betzie ]. Check back Feb 2nd!


Jill said...

Oh so lovely....again. I love these.....and so hope you pick me!!!! Come see what I am giving away!!!

Kyla said...

Look what Sandy started. I think I am going to have to get busy and make something to give away also.
Love the vintage style heart.

Anonymous said...

fingers crossed

vicci said...

I'm in!!!! You know how I love your stuff!

Naturegirl said...

So generous two of your art pieces!! ~*Count me in and *YES* I will also have a giveaway*~..see how two hearts can inspire many! I will post Thurs. be sure ~to come by.~hugs

Anonymous said...

Count me in, please! Both pieces are beautiful. I'm participating also if you would like to stop by...Karin

Carole Burant said...

I'm here via Lisa's blog and I think you all have such a wonderful idea, I can't help but join in...I'll post my giveaway tomorrow:-) What fun!!

Anonymous said...

Did I put my name in your hat?? If not, please do, what a lovely warm heart!

One Crabapple said...

Super SWEET !

AS IFFFFF I would put a sweating glass on THIS lovely heart ???

O - I would love to win this!

You are so generous giving away a second heart too....boy its so fun ! I have to use all your links to sign up for even more Giveaways too....wowowowowWWWW

Kel said...

This is so wonderful to find all these giveaways. You guys are great fun. I am enjoying it all so much. Kel

Carol Soules said...

Oh what a wonderful valentine! Please add my name to the "hat"

May Britt said...

Please add my name too. I would love to have a valentine heart.

turquoise cro said...

Caw Caw!!! Please put me in your drawing! and come try and win my little crow! xo, Cinda

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name for your wonderful drawing! Happy Valentines Day to You! Debbie

Dana said...

Another beauty!! Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks again!


Sharon Tomlinson said...

I might already be in. ???? I'm really not cheating.
But you can put me in again OK


Susan said...

Your heart is beautiful. Anyone would be lucky to have it. The stitching down the middle looks just like the drawings in the book.

Dyane said...

These are both just beautiful, please be my Valentine!!! :)

Kari said...

Gorgeous! I absolutely adore crazy quilting. Awww....

Anita said...

Cat, what a lovely idea! You soon need to add me to your give-away list as well since I am just crafting a special 100th post heart! It should be ready either tonight or tomorrow!

Once again, you inspired me so much - and I adore your give away heart!

Gracey said...

Hi There! It's my first time on your blog and I love your heart quilt. It's too cute. Please put me on your list. Thank you!

Laurie and Chris said...

Both are very nice. Great job.

Anonymous said...

I just now found your site. I must say I am impressed. Such beautiful work!! I love the colors and the sweetness. I would be in heaven to have that inspiration in my studio!

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Hey Cat, I think I already tossed my name in the hat for your drawings but I wanted to say that i love this heart. Brown is one of my fav colors and this is so pretty!

Janet said...

Please add my name to the list! The heart is beautiful.

I'm also doing a give-away.

Anita said...

My HeART give-away is online! Oh, I am so curious to see who will add their name on my drawing list, I am sure this will be fun!

Betzie said...

I used to love to crazy quilting. I miss it and seeing your lovely heart inspires me to want to make something, but I have to finish all the other 50 things I want to make first!
Please include me in your drawing and thanks for doing this.

Anonymous said...

I'm just a Blogger Wannabee here! Could I enter?

Dianne said...

How generous of you! And you love needlework like I do! Thanks.
Please come and try to win my goodies too.

Diana S said...

Hi. this is such a nice surprise. please add me to your drawing!

Andi said...

How lovely! Count me in please!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing for these lovely HeARTs.
peace, nancy

Cat said...


See the name in brackets in the post!

Thanks for playing, this has been great fun, I wish I could of picked every name!

Mary Bee said...

33 comments. Wowzers. Are you famous or what. I just stopped by to say hi and see what you've been up to. Looks like you are decidedly having fun. Lucky Betzie!