I placed the names in the posts below [In the brackets] to show who won the 2 Valentines.
I would like to say THANKS to everyone who played, I enjoyed it lots! And thanks to Sandy for the big-hearted idea! We'll have to do a repeat for Easter.
There are a few bloggers still with taking names for Valentines, and drawing on the 4th of 5th.
I'll contact the winners this evening. THANKS ALL!!!
Congratulations to Betzie and Naturegirl!!!
Yes, you all may still put your name on MY drawing list for my Valentine's heART give-away. Deadline for the draw is February 4th and I'll post the name of my lucky winner on Monday!
Thanks Cathy for this funny game!
Not sure what this was all about,a name for what. I dont get on this as much asI would like.
Happy for the person who won!
Cute graound Hog,did you get a new pet. He he
Will senda name for the heart shown at the top of the page here.
YEH....I won! I won! choking back the
I am such a ~*fAn*~ of your art Cat I am so honoured to have won one!!I get so much *inspiration* from your artwork if only you could know just how much..I think I have expressed this in many comments to you! You ~AgAiN*~ have made my day and put a bIg smile on my face!
Thank you so very much!hugs kisses..all of it..xo ..P.s.
(Ms.Sandy has my email & addy.)
OOOPS...see how excited I am I can't spell....NOT "blg smile" I mean..
Woweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....I can't believe I won one of your lovely gorgeous creations!!! I never win things...maybe my luck is changing...I have been doing lots of creative visualization lately...must be working! THANKS BAUMCAT!!!! Do you have my email? It's betzie2@juno.com
YIPPPPEEEE!! Thank you so very much!
I hope to return the favor and do one of these as give aways as well. Blessings!
Congratulations to the winners!! and all who joined in!
congratulations Valentine winners! - hooray! - yes let's do Easter - bunnies and eggs? - xox - eb.
Happy Groundhog day to you Ms. Cat and to Mr. Blue!! Lady says "woof woof" to Blue!!!
No spring here today, we got our first measley snow,,lol.
This has been great fun. Congrats to the winners!
I'm heading to an auction tomorrow to try to get a huge bell for our church. It will give the ghosts something to play with when we're not there !! :)
Enjoy your weekend. Kel
Congrats to Betzie and Naturegirl!! This has been so much fun. I love this whole idea and we get to meet so many new people this way.
(I'm doing my drawing late Sunday night.)
That ground hog catches my eye ecery time I am here...he is so perfect ! that little sideways look
" Whatdaya Want ? ! Let me Sleep !"
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