
Monday, March 19, 2007


Well, I did it again [Said Blue], I ran so hard that I broke out another toe-nail. This time I had to be tough and go to the Vet to get it removed and cauterized WITHOUT anesthesia. If you remember, last time I almost didn't come out of the anesthesia because my liver just plain couldn't handle it. Let me tell you, I was scared today. I barked and I cried and then... I just got brave [or scared stiff] because after the shot in my toe and the pain went away, I sat sooooo still. Cat and I watched the blood squirt out like two brave soldiers. The vet fixed me up real good and gave me this stylin' bandage. I'm sleeping it off now and I bet I can play again by tomorrow afternoon!


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Did you make it through as well? That had to hurt. Glad that they were able to remove it without the anesthetic. Does Blue get new toys tomorrow?

  2. Aww... precious brave little Blue! I'm sending you some healing ~~barks~..mommy will take care of you!
    We hurt when they do don't we Cat!
    hugs to you both NG

  3. Poor baby. Hope Blue is feeling better today.

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Oh poor kiddo! Hope he is better today.

  5. Healing prayers for little Blue, does God care about a little doggie?... of course he does.
    I agree, I think a new toy is in order. BE BLESSED :-)

  6. Oh poor Blue, get well very very soon!!!!

  7. Oh no,,poor Blue!!! I sure wish I could be there to help your recooperate. I will be thinking about you and hope you will be up and chasing the ball very soon!!!

    Woof Woof(Love You)

    Your Tennessee girlfriend


  8. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Oh my the poor little guy!

    His band aid is just too cute!

    He has a look of feeling loved and that is the best medicine around.

  9. Oh, how sad! I hope your little darling is feeling better. You might have to get him some little doggie steel toed boots :-)

  10. aaaahhhh !

    You and Mamma are Pretty Brave.

    Hope you (both) are feeling better soon.....

    TAke care of those nails Blue !

  11. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Oh Cathy, I have not been on the computer for almost two weeks and so I did not hear about Precious Blue till today. I'm so sorry that Blue has been "under the weather." I'm happy that the ordeal is over for both of you. Please give Blue a big hug and kiss for me . . . I love pets so much and I know you do also. My good thoughts and prayers are with you both, JOY

  12. What an absolute cutie! Hope he's up and running by now.

  13. Oh poor baby.....I feel so bad when things just happen to our pets... i was sweeping the other day (surprised) and I found one of Max's toe nails.....the whole thing was laying there.....cute picture of Blue....Blue looks like my first dog when i was little named Trixie.....

  14. Oh dear! You are such a brave puppy gog! I hope your boo boo heals quickly!

  15. thank you for your sweet comments on my blog.
    "Hailey Ann McStoots" sends her get well wishes to "Blue" and doggy hugs! :)
