
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sweet Hearts

I haven't been on the computer much lately due to my monitor is going out and getting fuzzy plus continued aggravation with my internet. Not to mention a crazy life that sometimes just keeps piling up on me - I'm sure all can relate to that statement! But I am praising the Lord for a weekend and a quiet house and TIME!!! Yahoo! I want to take this time to show the blogging world two wonderful hearts sent to me by 2 sweet people! My camera is not good, so forgive the photo quality - the hearts are absolutely beautiful.
This crazy quilt fabric heart was sent to my by Anita, she fills her hearts with homegrown and dried lavender - and oh is it a heavenly scent. She is a talented creative crazy quilter!
This paper collage heart was sent to me by Carol, it is 3 dimensional - as the flowers just bloom right out to you. Carol creates beautiful art with a romantic feel to it.

Thank-you to both of you for brightening my days with your lovely gifts!!!

Check out their blogs if you aren't familiar with them already, both are tremendous gardeners and I wish I had a way to get them here to the US to fix my garden for me!

Hugs to all.


  1. Oh Cat how sweet of you to dedicate this post to Carol and me! I was so pleased to see my "little sweetheart" here on your blog again!

    I really feel honoured about your appreciative words on my sewing skills but you forgot the most important point: YOU are my crazy quilting teacher! I owe YOU everything! Without the "starter package" with lots of wonderful fabrics, beads and other embellishments and your stitching guidance (including the book you sent me) I would not have been able to finish my first hearts.

    Thank you so much!!!

    XOX, Anita

  2. These hearts are so beautiful and are definitely heartfelt creations. How lucky you were to receive them. :)

  3. They are both very lovely and you are lucky to receive them.

  4. Cat, You might want to delete Poetry Art Fotoz. Since I deleted it and started anew, the old links now goes to a "viagra" add. No I didn't do it, I guess it is bloggers way of making money off deleted blogs. My don't know???? I'm just trying to let people know so they can fix it.

  5. That pretty, I like much! he is very sweet. Rakel.

  6. What beautiful heart gifts, and to come at such a good time to speak peace and love to your spirit when the world gets a little crazy. Got home from the Keys, had a good time
    I will try to post Monday p.m.
    BE BLESSED :-)

  7. these hearts are just the sweetest! I love your detail!

  8. Awe thank you for your lovely presentation and words Cat!
    I like that Anitas heart has a new shape, it's very pretty! So glad that you like the one I've made for you and that you have discovered the second side too lol
    Ah yes it's a pity indeed that you live so far away, I'd love to come over and give you a hand in your garden!
    A big hug back to you! Carol xox

  9. I sure can relate to not being on the computer much lately, it so hard for me when spring is here. What talented friends you have!

  10. What lovely gifts filled with love from 2 wonderful gals in Germany and given to one great gal in the USA!
    I cherish my gifts recieved from all of you!Happy Easter hugs NG

  11. These hearts are stunning! I love the idea of sending hearts thru out the entire year..

  12. Love your heart from Carol......isn't she talented? I bought a darling Easter Egg from her a couple of weeks ago! She has such a delicate touch:)
