
Sunday, August 05, 2007

Comfort Dolls

If you haven't already, check out Pat Winter's project for Comfort Dolls.
It is a terrific idea and she is getting some amazing response.
Here are some Comfort Dolls I have found on the blogs I frequent:


  1. Oh how wonderful that you were able to get a doll made. She's darling! Hands up for a hug, the shape of a regular woman (ha, ha) and just ready to squeeze.

    Nice work, Cat!

  2. Cat, Thank you for the nice comment on my blog and mostly for wanting to donate to the Comfort Doll project. The next batch is almost ready to be mailed to a shelter as soon as I get one lined up. I have found some shelter's do not respond to my emails,which I don't understand. I will just try other's, I know they are out there,and I believe these dolls will make their way to where they belong,so no worries. Beautiful doll by the way,love the inspiring message.

  3. Lovely doll Cat. Thanks for donating to this project. Gerry is right, she does look ready for a hug!

  4. What a Great Project ! Thank you for sharing this and I AM IN ! I love the idea of The Comfort Doll...This is very special and I would be honored to participate. Your Doll is especially warm and creative. I know that the woman that carries this with her will Feel Comfort ! Plus it has Extra Special Love stitched in (magic) by You !

  5. I love *your* comfort doll! She looks like something I could make without getting too bolixed up!

  6. Happy Belated you don't know me in real life, LOL..I just remember that I found your blog last year on my wedding anniversary, just after you had celebrated yours.

  7. Anonymous1:25 PM

    What a wonderful project, I have really enjoyed seeing all the doll at all your links!

    Nice job ladies!

  8. Cat, your doll arrived yesterday. She is wonderful. When I hold her she feels comforting,really. Perhaps the muted shades? Thank you so much for contributing this special doll. Love your work.
