
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bright Angel

Until a person has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
~Anatole France.
Blue went to play ball with the angels yesterday. He had a very aggressive cancer that was shutting him down and we had to say goodbye.

Blue had a wonderful life. He went on countless motorcycle trips, must of logged tens of thousands of miles. Always up for a new adventure. The picture shown is one of my favorite pictures of him; it was by the Grand Canyon at a place called “Bright Angel Fault”. Blue also loved to boat; we always had to keep an eye on him because he would drop his ball in the water for us to fetch. Many times we had to circle around with the fish net to capture the ball. Blue also loved to hike and explore and poke his head into every crevice and notch. He explored the Redwoods of California and the Red rocks of Southern Utah, plus many many other places.

He was always inventing new games to play around the house. You would never see him without a ball in his mouth, the ball even muffled his bark.

I will miss him dearly.


  1. God speed to your wonderful dog!

  2. I'm so very sorry about losing your dear Blue. It brings back those pangs we had when we lost our Jasper to cancer. In time may your memories of him help to ease the pain.


    Dogs Naturally

  3. Oh Dearest Friend

    You have had such a long couple of weeks and I know that your heart is broken. I am sure that Little Love misses You too . I think you will meet again.

    The photo of This Bright Angel at the Bright Angel trail is fitting...

    I hope you will share more pictures of him if you feel like it . Any Tomato Thieving photos around ?

    Maybe next spring as you work you will remember things and pull out photos and share some memories.

    Goodbye Sweet Blue. You will be missed.

    Love, S.

    Now he can watch Soccer from up above and really keep an eye on that ball !

  4. My deep sympathy on the loss of Blue. A pet is more than an animal, it's a family member, and I know you will miss this one for a long time.

  5. My thoughts are with you during this rough time. Your sweet four-legged guy sounds like the most wonderful little character. You are so fortunate to have had him come into your life and love you so... as he was with you and yours.

    Best wishes,

  6. Oh, so sorry about your sweetie pup. He sounds like a special guy. I can picture him zipping around on those clouds in pet heaven.
    We will say a little prayer for him tonight.

  7. Dear Cat, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved Blue. I know this is a very hard time for you. I wish I could take away your pain. I will say a little prayer and ask for my beloved Gizmo to keep an eye on Blue for you.

  8. I lost my border collie last March, and still look to see her when I get up or go for a ride. They are a part of our lives. But for all the pain, the joy of loving and being loved is, for me, well worth it. Godspeed indeed. Kim

  9. Cat, I am sorry to hear of the loss of Blue. I know he was loved and was a lucky guy to have had such a dedicated family who loved him so much. May you always find sweet memories to reflect on. Gentle hugs,Pat

  10. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, I know what it is like to loose a four legged member of the family, my heart hurts for you. It has been 15 years since we lost our dobi, we had her for 13 years and we still miss her.

  11. Oh Cat!!! It made me cry when I read your sad news on my blog today. I am so SORRY!!! I just get sick thinking about losing my little Lady but I know it will happen one day. But you know her and Blue will hook up and play some great ball together one day.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and I will treasure my ATCs of Blue,,so glad we traded those!
    A big hug for you from Lady and I!!!

  12. My dear Cathy!

    First of all, sorry for this late message, I was thinking of you all week-end after I read the sad news you left on my blog on Friday. I feel so sorry for you and your whole family. I am sure Blue is now living happily behind the rainbow!

    May he rest in peace, I'll speak another prayer for him tonight...

    A big hug, my dear friend!


  13. Cat I am so terribly sorry to hear this sad news! I can certainly feel the pain and sadness having to deal with this terrible loss. Our little fur companions seem to be soulmates and when they pass it is a bit of us that is lost.He may not be within your touch but always in your heart.
    Peace to sweet Blue and a comfort angel for you dear friend.hugging you NG
    (I did come by the day you informed me but I see that that comment did NOT publish)

  14. I love your blog and visit here often. I am so sorry you have lost your precious little friend. I pray that you are comforted during this time of heartache.

    Hugs! Nancy

  15. Cat, am so sorry to hear of your loss of your dear friend blue... When we lose a part of my our family like that is so hard! sounds as if he had a fantastic life thou! Lots of great memories!

    Cat love your new fabric ATC... You just blow me away with all that you get on each one! awesome!


  17. I know this is late...We have had a terrible lose of my husbands sister, so I have been away from the computer.
    I have two Beagles and they give us so much love. I am sorry that Blue had to leave you. I know how special our pets are. We had Rusty for 17 years and it broke our hearts to not have him in our life. The gift of love, Mary

  18. Wow, what a trooper he old was Blue....that is an awesome picture....and I'm sure you have many more.....judy
