
Friday, March 07, 2008

Weird Annie

Cute, fluffy, but also... WEIRD.Annie had a good day. First day ever to end up in the canal/ditch out back - burrrr! Don't know if she fell in or ventured in, but she came out one wiggly happy running dog! It's not deep or fast flowing - but I'm sure it's cold right now. This picture was AFTER her evening shower, after the exploring day. Clean again!
[I don't know where her 4th leg is in this picture...]


  1. She does look like a dog happy with her day and adventure! She is so cute.

  2. She is so adorable.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ROFL. (laughing so hard I can't type)

    Now this is one happy doggy. At least you know she can swim, and maybe isn't afraid of water.

    Maybe you should check the shower for the other paw. LOL.

    Thanks for visiting. I'm fine!!!

  5. She sounds like a little bundle of dynamite, that dog!!! So much fun...

  6. Ohh I bet Annie is saying, Mum I had so much fun today sorry I got a bit wet but that water thingo down the back was great & so invirgorating, shame I seem to have lost a leg out of it.... ha ha

  7. Oh Cathy, Annie is so cute! Did you find her fouth leg again? ;-))

    I have been quite busy these days and I am more than happy to share my new spring hearts on my blog. And put a link back to your blog to *** THANK YOU SO MUCH *** for inspriring me! Without you, I would never ever have started making such little hearts!

    Wow, you family pictures are amazing, what a wonderful idea!

    Have a great Sunday!


  8. Your Annie is just so darn cute..a bundle of JoY I can see..and she keeps you on your toes!

    I think of you often as I see the many Harley chicks on the road riding the wind here in man is just drooling wishing he had his own Harley..perhaps one day..hugs NG

  9. I'm sure Annie would tell you she ventured in.....I think all dogs are fearless....all but my Maxie who is scared to death of Coco Chennel, who I am watching right now....Coco is tiny like Annie and Max is much larger.....silly dog... but they do love it outdoors.....

  10. Anonymous6:21 PM

    From Joy

    Oh Cathy, Annie is just full of
    p--- and vinegar! She is just adorable and such a very happy looking little creature. I love her! Give her a hug for me.

  11. How funny!! I love this shot and love her upside down face. Yes, where is that 4th leg? Oh, aren't they just the cutest when they are rolling around on their backs and laughing and playing? I love Albie so much when he does this.

  12. Oh,,Annie took a cold dip!!! She is such a cutie!!! Lady said to tell her "woof woof".

  13. What an adorable picture of Annie! What a fright you must have had when she fell in - but she looks very happy now.

  14. Annie is one little bunddle of fun and life..she looks so cute. I hope the water wasn't to cold!
    Bark! Mary
