
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mountain flowers...

These pictures are from Wyoming - took them when we were on a short hike up a canyon from Mom's home. It was a heavy snow winter and consequently things are green and there are many blooms.


  1. Love the pictures! It looks so fresh, and the colors are beautiful.
    I hope you are having a wonderful summer. Hugs, Mary

  2. I Love Wyomming,,its so pretty there. The flowers are wonderful they look so green and cool on a hot summer day!

  3. How pretty, I love rivers. Looks like a great place to hang & day dream !!!!!!!

  4. Oh my dear sweet friend, next time I better go with you!! These are just beautiful!!! love them.!
    Glad you had a good time
    Blessing's, Nanabuzlife

  5. Aren't wild flowers wonderful, Cat? Great photos of a lovely place.

  6. This looks so peaceful, clean, cool and nice.

    Thanks for the Hike !

    wish I REALLY could have been there....

    Yes everything is loving that huge snow you showed earlier this year. Those days when we thought never to see such a delicate flower every again ! and here it is . Lucky You !

    Beautiful photos !

  7. I love that purple wildflower and the stream or river or whatever size waterway it is. You have taken some gorgeous shots!
