
Saturday, July 26, 2008

No Tomatoes yet!

The tomato plants are the big ones - I even pruned them back a couple times...
I have lots of big pretty green tomatoes... but no red yet!
But I do have....


This plant is full of Thai peppers (very very hot!)

They will turn orange before I pick them.

Getting ready for Salsa!


  1. Gotta be the weather. We got tomatoes in late, but even accounting for that we don't have tomatoes yet.

    Regular ones, anyhow. I planted only cherry tomatoes myself, figuring to swap with my mother and mother-in-law who each grow buckets of Jet Stars every year, and neither of them has had any get ripe yet, while I have so many little cherry tomatoes from just two plants that it's crazy.

    And I have no serranos or Thai peppers, but I have jalapenos and habaneros. Which is gonna make a weird salsa unless I get more than cherry tomatoes, is all I can say...

  2. I didn't even try tomatoes this year. They are so hard to grow here, and even our nasturtiums are poking along. Looks like you might have some pretty fiery salsa in the not too distand future!

  3. Your garden looks so good. I to am waiting for just one red tomato and then look out, they will all be ready at ones.
    Arney picked peppers tonight so I made stuffed Banana Peppers, I loved them, Arney said they were to hot.....
    It's been really warm so I think we are looking at days before a real tomato can go on our tables...I hate store tomato's. My oldest Trevor called yesterday to see if we had any red ones yet.
    Hope you are having a great summer, Hugs,Mary

  4. I didn't try any tomatoes this year. For last year I had two plants which would be plenty for me, but I never got any, for the squirrels always picked them as soon as any had a touch of red on them....and then I would find them all over the yard, for they would take one bite and throw it down... I knew it was a squirrel, for I saw it in the bush picking one.... I had red bell peppers and they were great, but not this year.... your plants look very healthy....

  5. We have only green tomatoes so far, OH has ripe banana skins on poles in the greenhouse hoping they will help ripen them - I know - strange but true. Your peppers look fantastic!!

  6. Wow WEEEE

    These Are GORGEOUS

    Seems like you JUST planted this garden !

    And LOOK at it !

    sooo pretty all that growing green.


    I want some. I think you should perserve it up and put it in your ETSY shop. I want some !


    and what about those stuffed peppers...almost time for cheesy stuffed peppers too right ? I dont think you can sell those on ETSY , I will just have to stop by !

  7. PRE serve

    or Perserve

    Or Purr Sir vah ?

  8. Your garden is wonderful!! I got mine in so late, but there growing and I still have hope. Plants are really small, specially if they were next to yours. My tomato plants look like babys, but have small fruit on them already.
    If you do feel you want to can any for all those who are asking you to do so. Let me know and I'll tell you how if you don't already know. One can can just about anything.
    Such a healthy yummy looking garden!
    Blessings Nancy

  9. I'm coming right over for the salsa! The hotter the better!! Yum.

    Have you seen your journal pages over on Susanna's blog? Oh, Cat... go check them out now.

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

    Take care,

  10. Cat, we had real tomato on our hamburger tonight...yummmmmmmmmmm!
    We only had two, but it is a start...I am so ready for salsa!
    Happy gardening, mary

  11. What fabulous looking peppers, especially.
    We are inundated with tomatoes...this is The Year of the Tomato around here. Tomato ketchup, tomato jam, tomato sauce, tomatoes for our neighbors, tomatoes getting thrown at the guy who grew too many of them....!!!!

  12. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Holy moley, look at all those hot peppers! You're going to be in for some festive cooking this month. I wonder, can you dry them for winter?

  13. G'day Cat,
    I'm still in the land of the living, will try and write soon. Those tomatoe plants look lovely & healthy and the chillies/peppers look hot already to me - I can feel the burn ... ha ha
    Please pop over to my blog there is a BFF Gold Card award waiting for you ... thanks for all the inspiration you have given me ... luv ... Bethel

  14. I bet those tomatoes are red now and I bet you have some salsa already made! Your garden looks awesome!

  15. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I LOVE homemade you can it so you have it ALL winter long?

    Your peppers look Yummmmmmy!

  16. That Thai Pepper Plant picture is a gorgeous photo - when they turn orange, a similar photo would make a great front for a card . . . or a postcard!

  17. looks yummy! wish we had room to plant tomatoes!

  18. Twelve days later...ANY TOMATOES YET ?

  19. sorry to comment "off topic", but S (a.k.a. ART TEA LIFE) just posted the AMAZING piece that you sent her & I wanted to tell you how beautiful I think it is ... really, quite beautiful. I love the colors of the piece, too. :)
