Thursday, July 10, 2008


When I was about 11 and 12 years old I lived in the northwest part of Oregon. My brother and I would leave about 5 am each morning in the summer and walk to the end of our dead end road and catch a bus to the strawberry fields.
I really didn't care for strawberries for many years after that. The sweet strawberry smell would instantly recall a big fat overripe one plastered against my face... and my brother laughing.

All in fun. The hot summer days picking strawberries made for good memories. I did get in a good throw myself now and again.

I have taken a new liking to strawberries now . I like the ones that don't have that sweet aroma that remind me...
See the pretty velvet variety... if you pick that one you will also have a pincushion. Check out Nikki's etsy shop. She is the artsy talented daughter of a friend of mine in Oregon.


Anonymous said...

ahhhh! perfect! This lovely strawberry with her sisters, sweet!!!

Judy S. said...

We had to drive clear over to Michigan to pick strawberries when I was a kid. One of my fond memories is picking them here with my son when he was little and ate more than went into to box. Haven't done that in a while, but it sure was fun.

Shopgirl said...

For a few years in Cypress, California my family lived across the street from a beautiful Strawberry field....the field hands would blanks and shot in the air to keep the birds off the fruit. My kids were at a perfect age for getting into places they shouldn't be, so they ate alot of Strawberries.
Happy eating, Mary

pammyjo said...

Just found your blog. It is so inspiring, and your little quilt pieces are BEAUTIFUL and inspiring.
I'll keep watching, it was a treat to visit. Sincerely, P

girlgonethreadwild said...


Love the pictures, let's me tag right along with you. :)

Did you happen to notice that I LEFT something out of the box??? The MOVIE. YIKES! I'll send it along in the next box... silly meeeeeee.

Thanks for letting me know it got there safely.


Gerry said...

What fun memories and an adorable lead in to the pincushion!

Judypatooote said...

Love your memory of your strawberry days... I went last Wed. to a diner and had a reg large waffle covered with fresh strawberries and homemade whipping cream (on the side), that tasted sooooo good.....I went and bought some strawberries after my breakfast, but somehow at home they just don't taste the same....
judy and the pin cusion is so cute.....I'm going to visit Nikki's etsy shop......

Beth said...

I Love strawberries. I had to giggle about the fat one on the cheek,,aren't brothers so wonderful? I will check out the etsy shop of your friend,,love the strawberry!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Hi remember me? It's been a while eh? I love scrolling back to see your oh so beautiful hand work. Every time I come and look I KNOW I have to get back to some fabric projects.
I have friends who live in Oregon and I remember my best friend picking strawberries when she was a kid. Her Mom canned EVERYTHING! I worked a couple summers up there with her in a cannery- GREEN BEANS - ick.
I suppose being around strawberries the way you were would make them less than desirable after awhile.
I DO love the velvety kind too!!

Naturegirl said...

OK Cat you fooled me!! HA ha>>
At first glance the ((bright)) strawberrie stood out and I was trying to figure out the lighting but continued reading and realized it was a fabric strawberry!!!!
Very well done! That girl
(((( has talent!!! ))))

Kel said...

Looking at the beautiful picture instantly put the lyric
Strawberry Fields Forever...
in my head !!

One Crabapple said...

I LOVE IT ! and laughed at the smashed strawberry, bad bad brother story !

I have one (sing song voice)
It's P R E C I O U S !

I even got another one today ! I know I know...but I want a whole bowlie of colorful berries.

Thank YOU.

Now tell me , did you plant strawberries this year ?
Lookslike its just about Strawberry Margarita time!

..without the velvet.