
Friday, August 29, 2008

Where I would have been...

We were going to leave for Mount Hood today. It was going to be our first long motorcycle trip since I don't know when... We did do a 3,000 mi trip in 10 days before; up thru Idaho and over to the top of Washington and thru the Northern Cascades, and to the coast. We followed the coast down, enjoying delightful fish and chips, clam chowder, and Moose Drool beer, all the way to the Redwoods in California. Then we went back North into Oregon to Crater Lake. And finally across the state and back home. I was a few years younger then…

But nonetheless, I was so looking forward to the ride to Mount Hood this weekend. We’d planned on going thru the adorable quilt-lovin town of Sisters, Oregon, and meander our way up to Hood. Once there we’d planned on staying at a condo at Government Camp as our base station and going on rides to waterfalls and other volcanoes and the Oregon Coast.

Maybe next year… I’m sure Annie will be up for the ride then…

Instead... My hubby and I are going to stay local... and go to... where we met...

Angelo's... An authentic Biker Bar in Ogden, Utah... for a beer.


  1. Ohhh Cat, That's a tough trip to give up, but you'd probably not have enjoyed it worrying about Annie.....and it looks like the weather's going to be cruddy, at least in this part of the PNW, if that's any consolation.....

  2. big bummer on nixing vacation plans...

    Is Angelo's the place you said would be closing ?

    That's a good picture for a memento too.

    Is that YOU in the window I see reflecting back ?

    Anyway, I hope you have a nice three day weekend and get to really treat yourself soon on another vacation.

  3. oh hey I looked up the links

    niiiiiicce ! And killer that you have to miss THAT.

    (not to rub it in)

  4. Oh Cat, I'm sorry. Boy, if I had a dollar for every trip I've had to cancel due to a pet/vet bill issue... well, I'd probably only have ten dollars. But still.... it's such a drag. I remember the biggie was when I had Chloe (my first darling girl dog) and she jumped out of my arms and broke her leg - needless to say I did not go to Hawaii that year!

    But I know you also need to be home with your fur child. It's the right thing to do.

    I hope you're having a relaxing weekend.

    Take care,

  5. Wow, you and your True Love met at a Bar of the cool is THAT?!

    Mt. Hood will certainly be here for you when the time is right. (And I do so hope you will let me know when you come to my area here so I can meet you in person.} But meanwhile, you have your dear sweet Annie to look after, and more stitching to do, too....

  6. Sorry to hear you had to change you plans but I'm sure that beer at the Bar of Angels was good ... do hope Annie is feeling better the poor love ... OOroo ... Bethel

  7. So I'm guessing you aren't LDS. =) I loved your pics of the horses. So sorry you couldn't take your trip. It sounds like it would be so great - love Sisters, any time of year. There's a super backroad from Sisters going west over the pass - can be closed until June sometimes, with the snow, but what a beautiful dirt road ride through forest. We were in a car, but still.
