
Saturday, September 06, 2008

Annie Update & Etc...

I told Miss Sleepy head that bloggers are inquiring on how she is doing....
Hey Annie... Wake UP!
Come On Pumpkin....sit up... you can do it.... that's it... one eye at a time...
There you are... up and awake and saying HI!
She is doing well, has not had any of the bad symptoms of excessive coughing or throwing up or etc, just sleepy sleepy sleepy... and that is good; because she has four more weeks of total rest to go.
I've been stitching while I sit with Annie...


  1. Hi Cat,

    Glad Miss Annie's feelin' better. Love your circle big is it?

  2. Great to see Miss Annie is able to get up and give us a smile ...Hi Missy Annie, Gilly is giving you a big 'get well' quick wave...
    Cat love your stitching, especially the Penny Rug circle with the jewels in it ... tooks very smart... luv ... B

  3. OH Goodness Cat! Poor Annie! I am so sorry I didn't know about her sooner. I sure hope she keeps improving. What were the symptoms? I keep frontline on Lady because we have such a horrid mosquito problem here in the summer and heartworms worry me so much. But after her tangle with the Harley they said she was ok in that department too.
    Lady said to tell her she and I both hope she feels better soon. Its so scary when our furbabies are sick, isn't it?
    Love the picture of you and her together!

  4. Wow !!! Look at this Babysitter's Art Work here.

    Its gorgeous. I loved the pumpkin patch !!! PERFECT

    I love that you are doing updated old fashioned penny rug pieces.

    These colors sure make me feel AUTUMN ! and we could use it around here....woo.

    ANNIE ANNIE ANNIE ! What a Sweety Pie.

    She just looks so tiny and TIRED. One eye open and head hanging but then she made it for the show. THANKS ANNIE ! Keep getting better Honey.


  5. I can hardly wait to know she us up and running, but for now, she is adorable. Annie is winning hearts in Ole Blogland, I know she has mine.
    Love what you have made also. Kinda getting lost in Annie.
    Your, Mary
    I have done it again Cat, I am in the contest...

  6. I am so glad Annie is beginning to feel better. Give her a little hug for me.

  7. Hi Cat, Glad I found your blog. I really like the pumpkin patch. Something about spherical shapes...

  8. So glad Annie is doing better! Twyla

  9. Annie looks so snuggable right now ... still thinking happy, healthy thoughts for her. :) The Penny Rug Circle makes me think of a modified mandala - it's really lovely and I like the autum colors. :)

  10. Cat, I feel so bad, I have been toooo busy lately ....I didn't even know Annie was sick. Looks like she is a fighter though,it will be good to see her up and running again.

  11. Love your penny rug circle mat.... so nice to sit and be creative whilst sitting with Annie while she recuperates. Gentle hug for Annie from me and I hope she is feeling much, much better soon.

  12. Yes she looks ok if a bit sleepy, settle down again annie.
