
Saturday, October 04, 2008

Rainy Days and Autumn Fires

Continued Crazy

Pryo with an "orb" visitor
This picture was taken the night before our First Annual Fish Fry, in which my sweetie shared his catch from when he visited his brothers in Alaska and they took him out fishing. He brought home 100 pounds of delicious Halibut... and he cooked up a grundle for friends...

Notice the orb to the right side of the picture... it has the rings around it...
we have been having a few orbs appear in our nighttime photos lately. Some believe they are visitors... some believe it is the flash catching a dust particle... I like to think of what visitors we might have...

This is a wonderful rainy weekend.


  1. Love your opals, Cat, and your latest CQ stitching. Did you quilt the background piece in the opals photo?

    Yummy halibut, one of my favorites!

  2. I didn't quilt the background piece. I found it in a second hand store, I believe it is mid-eastern.

  3. love the CQ - it's really fabuolous ... and that's one really cool fire pit ... bet that was some serious yum!

  4. I love fire at night must be from all those camps I used to run. Love this must dream doing these.
    If you go take a peek at my blog, you will see that Julie and I are having a fall challenge. There is a award...come on by!
    Hugs, Mary

  5. Glad to see some of "the old work"
    the Word talks about entertaining angels unaware, I like to believe they are all around us. When you finish the larger pieces are you going to put them all together?

  6. More lo9vely work as usual Cat, is Annie about out of her enforced rest time??

  7. oh my gosh...
    I'm going absewlutely BATTY over here...

    the color, the FIRE,

    the warmth of stitched cotton.

    You so know how to get ME going.


  8. Oh my gosh, I get them on some of my pictures at that what they are? Yikes!

    Reunion is finally over, and friends wedding, so now I hope I can get back to visiting my blogging friends....left to do is making some more herbal packs, and making a dvd from reunion.... hope you and Annie are well.... judy

  9. 100 pounds of incredible and delicious! One of my favorite things to order at a wonderful restaurant here is halibut pan fried with herbs and artichoke heart on top. It is so incredible! Yes, I believe the dust fairies are lurking nearby in your orb :) Pam in Chico
