
Sunday, December 14, 2008


And.... Here's.... Annie!!!
It took me 2 tries to get her head in proportion to her body...
Rumor is... I'll get art classes for Christmas...
....and I'm excited!


  1. OMG! This is too cute. I love it. Art classes would be so fun. Fingers crossed.

  2. You've captured Annie's personality, too, Cat! Art classes sound like a really nice gift!

  3. Good job Cat! The portrait of Annie in last post is cute as punch!
    All the best in your new found art form..looking at all your sketches're gifted.
    Blessings to you at this holiday time! Peace NG

  4. That's a good likeness Cat, have a good Holiday Season!

  5. You've sure got the talent, Cat. A good teacher could bring you very far, very fast!

  6. I am watching a blooming artist...this is a really special drawing for you to have got Annie!
    Merry Christmas, Mary
    Is it snowing at your house? It is snowing at mine.

  7. Well I no expert but I'm thinking your doodles are great & this is a wonderful one of Annie ... I hope the art classes come with lots of art supplies but there again shopping for art supplies is lots of fun too. I also love your grey winters morning - I love to read your thoughts of the day that you write in your doodles... luv ... B

  8. Art Classes? Won't that be fun? I love to draw. The one of Annie is really good, looks like God has blessed you with some talents you might not have known you had! Hope you have fun with it.
    I have not been around for a few days, I have caught a nasty cold, and living in the Sunshine state???

  9. Great doodles. Annie is so cute. Kel

  10. Anonymous12:02 AM

    You're already one of the most talented people I know and now you are going to be drawing, too? And things look like what they are supposed to be? Well, I'm totally outclassed! LOL! Enjoy those art classes.

  11. Art classes for Christmas ? Looks like you already know what you are doing to me !

    Hi Annie ! you got STYLE !


  12. What a happy face! Love it.

  13. I love what your doing, brings back thoughts of what I use to do. I have not done art in so long now.
    You will LOVE classes if that is what you recieve this year, there fun.
    Annie is adorable!
    Love Nanabuzlife

  14. Hope you enjoy those art classes!

    Have a Holly Jolly X'mas Cat.
