
Sunday, February 01, 2009


I found a way to combine the look of a watercolor sketch with sewing! Isn't this fun!? Oh the places to go.... With black thread I stitched the sketch, then filled in the colors with some fabric paints. The background was stippled with a light thread.

I had to get a new sewing machine to do this with. My old hand-me-down machine just wasn't cutting it anymore. I looked into the Juki that I heard about on Bumblebeans blog, and decided to go with one of them. What a dream.


  1. Very nice, Cat. I love it. Looks like you've found a way to combine both mediums! Fun!

  2. WOW! you don't waste anytime! Isn't it fun! I love the drawing with the thread!

  3. This is so did find a way, I knew that you would.
    I am glad that you are following Ruth, this has been a year in the making, and I am still working.
    keep going back and looking at what you have done...this is so fun.
    Hugs, Mary

  4. oh yeah, that's a match made in creative heaven. :)

  5. Darn, my first comment got eaten!!!!

    This is lovely, Cat. And how cool that you got a new machine. Are you getting spoiled???? LOL

  6. I'm sure this is only the beginning
    and what a lovely one it is.. and
    a new sewing machine,what fun that is going to be, mine is getting old but still going along well for now, I've been to busy making beads to sew. BE BLESSED

  7. This is so cool. I love the colors.

  8. Glad to see you back playing with fabric -- love the "spring" look.

  9. =^.^= Your inspired and creating beautifully! Wonderful to witness! Lovely work..all that you do.

    I LOVED the card with the "special rose" you're awesome Cat..thanks!
    hugs aNNa =^.^=

  10. I love it! Amazing work - so fresh and sweet.

    I was just telling my mom that I still have my singer that I've had for about 21 years. It has no special gadgets - nothing but zig zag and button holes... but it works! I look forward to buying a new one with all the gadgets someday.

    I have been using my sewing machine again too - it's been fun.

    Have a good day.


  11. Oh how GOOD IT IS !

    I love this !

    Wow so much work and you do it so well !


    thats you

  12. LOVE this! What a great idea. I've scheduled a link to your post to go live on my blog later this afternoon (Central USA time). I hope it brings you a few extra clicks.


  13. Cat Girl, This is awesome!! Don't you love your Juki? Isn't the automatic cutter the bomb!! There is a yahoo juki group if you ever feel the need to join up with other juki gals. Love the whole concept of watercolor and thread. Have a great weekend, and enjoy life! Pam in Chico

  14. This is a really gerat mixture of quilting, embroidery and watercolor. I love it!

  15. G'day Cat
    If this comes through twice sorry but when I posted my message it said something weird ... never mind.
    This looks wonderful ... love the colouring & the sketchy look.. & you had to buy a new sewing machine to boot ... Congratulations ... OOroo... Bethel
