
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wacky Jacks

Diagnosis: crazy.
We are.
We admit.
Wanted a playmate for Annie...
And couldn't separate the last 2 of the litter.
Both females.
Both sweet as can be.
And love to play.


  1. could they be any more adorable?!? congratulations on the two newest members of the pack! :)

  2. oh my goodness. WOO HOO!!! what fun!
    we have two. If I didn't live in the city I'd have 10.
    They are so darn cute I can't stand it! What are their names??

  3. Boing Boing Boing go the puppies! They are so adorable! Gotta love that mischief making look on all three faces...what are their names? xo Pam in Chico

  4. Not crazy they fill our life with joy and thats the gift. They are so cute, have fun.
    Hugs, Mary

  5. That's a GOOD kind of crazy, Cat. You're in for lots of fun!

  6. Oh CAT,,,I LOVE THEM!!! I want some baby Rat Terriers. Lady is so jealous I just don't think she would tolerate them at all. She is like a old maid, she bosses our kitty around and kitty knows who the boss is. Theses babys are precious!!!

  7. I'm also mommy to girl Freckles ( a jack mix). She is scared silly of puppies, any remedy to that? lol

    xo, monica :)
