
Saturday, October 03, 2009

Mermaid thread sketch

I finally did get to stitch! It is so nice to have a Saturday morning.

I feel like a fabric art junkie that got her fix this morning.

My son's girlfriend found a picture of a siren on line and I simplified it into a line drawing, added a sparrow in her hand... and stitched it in thread for her.

I'd love to stay and stitch some more... but I think this is the first and last weekend for me to pick the Roma tomatoes and process them into jam...
While I'm posting though....

I'll share more pictures... I got to take the girls for a ride yesterday.

...and my sweetie is cleaning up before the snow hits. He moves everything out of the shop and then cleans and moves everything back in the shop.... The above wheeled items are not commonly used, so they got to see a little sunshine!

And check out the size of these onions!

Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. Another lovely piece of stitching, Cat. Tomato jam, eh? Is it difficult? My DH speaks fondly of the tomato jam his grandmother used to make years ago. Might you share your recipe?

  2. Wow Cat! She's REALLY BEAUTIFUL!!! I love her hair, and sweet face! ... I've never heard of tomato jam...interesting! What do you eat it with? ... You and your girls look so cute on that little cart! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Hugs, Paulette ;)

  3. My goodness, I can hardly believe you stayed home this weekend. LOL! Better enjoy it before the snow flies, though.

    Your mermaid is just beautiful. What size is this piece? Will she be on etsy, too or is she special to you?

    Oh, it was so sweet of the girls to take YOU for a ride. So....did you let them take turns, taking turns on the cart? (Sorry, I woke up in a goofy mood)

    Remember, if your DH runs out of chores, we always have something here to keep him busy. And you are all welcome to come! Heck, make it a party....bring the girls!!!!

    WOW-great looking onions. I love onions. Well, coffee's done - gotta go. Huggles.

  4. Hallo Cat,

    Hallo Cat,
    mein Max und Ich wollten dir ein paar Liebe Grüße da lassen und uns für deinen Besuch bedanken.
    Deine J.R.T sehen toll aus und du hast recht es ist eine tolle Rasse.

    Alles Liebe aus Düsseldorf
    Elke + Max

  5. so glad you found some stitching time....she's beautiful!! have fun with your roma tomatoes! :))

  6. Love your siren - the hair is amazing!
    Fresh produce is the best, and what a great picture of you and your dogs!

  7. Oh my Cat! What an adorable family of fur babies!The "wheeled items" would certainly thrill my natureboy!
    blessings to you enjoy the harvest time!xo

  8. Hi Cat,...swinging by to say hello and say this sketch of the mermaid is awesome, so hard to choose a favorite of your work...which reminds me I need to shop in your etsy store soon for Cmas!

    Cold and rainy here in Mn, harvests are behind,sounds like possible flurries later in the week,....

    Oh...ya, never heard of tomato jam either, to share that recipe? Sounds like a good way for me to use up the romas I grew before they totally lost to freezing.

    Until another visit~~~


  9. I love this, and think it is one of your best. And I am not really into mermaids. Also the gang is looking really good. You are a good playmate. Happy Fall, Mary

  10. Wow, your stitching just amazes me! You are so talented, even if you are a stitchin junky,lol. Love the pic of you and the girls, so sweet! And your onions are hugh! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  11. ohh look at YOU ! wait ! look at those ONIONS

    goodness, healthy ONIONS for sure

    Look at everything....right where I left it !

    I love seeing it again !

    and there are alllll the babies !

    hey , you gotta golf cart for that back forty ?

    ps actually everything is not where I left it. I didn't leave the TOYS out on the lawn that way....
