
Saturday, September 18, 2010


It's been a long time since I have posted! Summer has consumed me. I have been putting in a lot of hours at work, have tried to keep up on the garden, plus vacations... haven't done a bit of sewing and hardly any blogging!

We returned this week from a road trip to Minnesota, where we attended a wedding and visited with my husbands extended family. Here are a couple photos...
We parked our motor home on about 4 acres of cut grass by a lake. The above picture is of the early morning fog over the water and the sky is tinted with the sunrise. The Jack pack loved running on the grass.
The dogs had a lot of exploring to do, Whiskey discovered and spooked up a giant Blue Heron by the lake - gorgeous bird! The 3 dogs seemed to tune in with instinct suddenly and got the wild look of the hunt in their eyes.

Above is Annie taking a break from all the excitement. Notice her muddy front legs and wet coat!
This was our first long road trip in the motor home, and it was a great success! We enjoyed all of it, even the long hours on the road.
I did get to meet a blogger, Reba from the same small town that we visited. We chatted over coffee and caramel rolls. Had a great visit; it's fun to see a little slice of someone else's life!
As with all vacations, it was nice to come home to a welcoming hug from the mountains. I miss my mountains when I'm away!
Happy September to everyone!


  1. Welcome back home! Sounds like you all had a great time, especially the Jack Pack.

  2. I'm with you, vacations are great but, there is no place like home. Glad you are back safe and had a good time.It is great that you can take the "pack" with you, I'm sure they had a good time also.
    It is STILL HOT here!

  3. Welcome back! Your adbventures sound wonderful...the dog days of summer...!

  4. Nice to see that you have had a happy summer!! I did too, although not much blogging either! Happy September! xo Pam in Chico

  5. Anonymous8:37 PM

    What lovely pictures, Cat. The dogs look like they are having a great time.

  6. Those little dogs are just so cute! Gosh...One of my dreams is to one day have a motor home I can go cross country with! Your photos are lovely, and it's so nice you got to meet a bloggy friend along the way. xo
