
Saturday, December 04, 2010

Good Morning

Me + Coffee = Good Morning
See the Bodum coffee press in picture? It makes the BEST cup of coffee! I didn't know what a coffee press was until I went to Sweden this year. I ordered a cup of coffee in a little shop and they handed me a press and a cup... and they had to tell me how to use it. Silly American.
It is a delightfully dreary Saturday outside, gray and a little bit foggy.
Looks like a perfect day for sewing.
Have a Happy Saturday!
[...and am I the only one living in the dark ages? Do you know what a coffee press is?]


  1. LOVE coffee...don't know what a coffee press is...never used one...wouldn't know how...unless YOU showed me! Thanks for visiting, Cat. I LOVE your table quilt.

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Hi Cat! Thanks for stopping in. I like french press coffee! I would imagine its the same. I wa very surprised the first time too. I want to get one soneday.

  3. delightfully dreary grey here too

    that quilted matte sure brightens it up !

    so pretty and you are so good w/ color

    Pressed Cafe is The Only Wayyyy



  4. Only know drip coffee. I will have to try this if I get a chance. Love your table mat, you must stay up nights thinking of these new and wonderful things to make.
    We have had about a foot of snow. Yesterday the sunshine was so pretty with all the white. Today it is snowing again. So it is bad on the roads. Another snow day at home...I will do crafts today.
    Thank you for coming to visit me.
    Happy weekend!!!
    Hugs, mary

  5. French Press, yes. That's what we do every morning. Recently I bought a stainless steel percolator. I had used one up in the mountains and loved being able to make more than the Bodum does...and then everything tastes so good when you are away on a trip in the high mountain air. But we are spoiled, fresh ground beans right before you pour in the boiling spring water ...

  6. Love the coffee mat, Cat. We first had French Press in Europe too. Even though we live in Starbuck country, I'm not much of a coffee fan. Love the smell though. ;)

  7. Cat, this is so funny! I've seen these coffee presses, but I don't know how to use them. I was a tea drinker all my life, until about a year ago when I just started drinking lots of coffee...maybe it's an age thing... go figure! Your little mat is sooo pretty! I hope you got lots of stitching done today...Something came up, and I couldn't do any decorating today like I had planned. Oh well, there's always tomorrow! Have a lovely Sunday and give the girls some extra pets for me! xo Paulette

  8. I LOVE foggy, dreary days. They make me feel cozy and creative - even if I'm not home.

    Thanks so much for stopping by to congratulate me. I'm SO happy to have this job. I feel absolutely wonderful!

  9. Hi Cat! As a fellow Utahn, I’m so pleased that you are into coffee. DH & I have our own grinder and a couple different brewers, but no press (although I know what it is). We experiment with different beans, but always end up back with Sumatra. Your mat is lovely, BTW. Let’s enjoy a cuppa sometime, eh? Hugs, Cathy

  10. That's right! I'm in Utah and that's why I'd never heard of a coffee press! Actually I enjoy all of the sin beverages. :) And, yes lets' grab a cuppa!

  11. Congrats for your sale ! That quilt is so beautiful ! Yes, I am back in blogland and the Etsyworld again. I have been so tired of blogging and computer for awhile, it´s taking so much time. But it´s fun too !

  12. Good Morning Cat!! Love the little table mat! The colors are great! I had no idea what a coffee press was either LOL. But the coffee looks delightful!

    Have a great day sewing!!

  13. Love the coffee press have one myself!Grey days here too with much snow!! Time to head back to AZ for the winter!

  14. Congrats on 'meeting' your coffee press. LOL. I've used one for years but usually for after dinner coffee or with desserts.

    There are 2 secrets to using these, though....1) use really coarse ground coffee, and 2) push the stem down VERY slowly.


  15. MERRY CHRISTMAS, this is my gift to myself, taking time to visit some of my blog buddies. No I have not heard of a cofffee press, sounds interesting.
    Wow I really love the quilt with the purple back, I need to come by here more often, Ok I'm off to check your etsy.JESUS is the REASON for the Season!

  16. i DO know what a coffee press is...and yes you are correct, it makes the best coffee. :) i wish i could have some right now, along with a dreary day and my sewing machine. beautiful!
