
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Prayer Flag Quilt

I noticed I haven't blogged since last year!
Guess I've been busy sewing...
and working - but sewing is the fun part.
I wanted to drive up the canyon on a day with a crispy blue sky
and stand in front of a giant white mountain top
and hold the quilt up like the prayer flags in Tibet.
***Do you have a visual?***
But overcast skies and stormy weather is lined up all week long.

At any rate... this is my Prayer Flag Quilt, inspired by the prayer flags of Tibet. The words of a Scottish Blessing are scripted onto the flags.

Almost a keeper... but listed on etsy!
Also I have put the words of the blessing on the etsy description if you want to read it.

Have a happy day... and upcoming weekend!!!


  1. yes it came out beautiful

    and I CAN yes, see the flags strung across the sky

    the wind fluttering the prayers as they are read...

    a tough quilt to give up

    one more of your babies into the world

    Is that a pup I see peeking around the corner

    top photo , lower left corner....?

    Its a beauty and GET A LOAD OF YOUR YARD !

    so much snow !!!

    more ?

    well maybe thats more quilting time for You !?

  2. Anonymous7:35 PM

    its beautiful!

  3. It's wonderful, Kat! That's a lovely prayer too.

  4. I looked at your last 2 quilts on Ebay, was so surprised at how cheap you have them. Your cost and time I am sure are way more.
    Both stunning of course.
    The prayers are beautiful.
    I forget I even have a blog anymore. :)
    Though I am thinking of reading/telling my childrens story on it sense publishing is not my future I guess.
    LOve all you do and who you are.
    Blessings always.

  5. Come on Nan, you know it's my 20 cents an hour second job! I love to make them and I hope that people who get them will be blessed.
    Don't give up on the publishing of your book! If nothing else try a self publish thru one of the sites that do that.
    Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet words. Love/Cat
