
Saturday, April 02, 2011

Rabbit thread sketch mini quilt

In the mood for bright colors and bunnies today.

Isn't Spring the BEST time of year!
It is opening the door for summer
and setting out a welcome mat
of flowers
and greets you with baby animals.


  1. Love it! And the colors are fabulous!

  2. I too have been bursting with Bunny-itis, just ask my students! This is wonderful, Cat! I love the colors and I espcially am lovin' the purple strip on the right with the towers of circles you quilted, ooh-la-la. LOVE this!!!! ~kath

  3. Hi Cat...did you do all the little swirley sewing on the little place, they really are colorful and cute... judy

  4. Hi Cat, I see you are still doing your fabulous thread sketching! I just love this quilt, as well as the beautiful one on your previous post.
    Happy Spring!!

  5. Another wonderful bunny. We're featuring your mini-quilts tomorrow ! We're so glad we came across your site - your thread sketching is inspiring.

  6. This is great! I've been challenging myself to play with thread sketching this year and I've really been enjoying it. After looking through your thread sketche posts I'd say you are a pro.

  7. this is really sweet. Fits right in to the season. I started a project, I am making tags for church bazaar...I thought it was a good idea to at least start them. I will share some of them when I am happy with how they came out.
    Think Easter, Mary

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    just love these!! perfect contrast between spring color and line drawing...

