
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Scrappy flag quilt

Today I got the scrappy flag quilt onto the quilting frame and started stitching.   I enjoy the quilting phase, although am still not to confident in my abilities. I think I need to log in a lot more stitching hours! (Which I should be able to do - I have plenty of quilt tops)

We're having a rainy weekend here, gray skies, heavy clouds, breezy. Good day to sew.  

Happy Memorial Day weekend to all.


  1. Hi!! Good to hear from you, Cat. Happy Memorial Day Weekend to you, too! If I could send you some sunshine, I would. Your Flag quilt is gorgeous! I LOVE it...and you amaze me.

  2. Cat is has been a joy to catch up with your posts! Love the Wisteria and those flags!! I have prayer flags that our wonderful community of bloggers sent my when I was on my latest cancer journey! Boy you are one busy lady with that BIG quilt project!Happy stiching my friend!
    Hugs Anna

  3. Love that quilt! Have a great Memorial Day despite the weather.

  4. What a beautiful quilt. I can't wait to see it when it is all stitched. It was so good to find you here today, have a great week, Hugs, Mary
