
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Stitching feathers

After we got back from Alaska...
A lot has been going on. 
Within the week we headed out again to Minnesota to a funeral. 
My Mother-in-law passed away. Sad, but she was ready to go. 
We came home to a skunk scented house. Two of the Jacks were sprayed. They came in the doggie door and tried to wipe it all off on the living room furniture. 
So we've been bathing dogs and hauling couches out. 
Finally things are settled down again and in-between laundry loads I have been doing some quilt-therapy. This was the 3rd coin quilt that I made out of these fabrics. (2 shelter quilts that I posted last month, and a 3rd to keep.) It will be a great all around utility quilt.

Home for a while now!


  1. My condolences to you and your husband.
    Been there with the skunk and two pomeranians - 3 times as a matter of fact. One early morning we didn't have tomato juice so hubby had to go to the store before work and the little doggies got bathed. Pure, unadulterated skunk smell is so powerful. Sorry to hear about the furnture. I like your coin quilt.

  2. Oh my. I am so sorry about your mom in law, Cat. Sorry she was so sick and pleased to know that she was Ready and is in a better place, with no suffering. It is so hard, though. And then, to come home to skunk. I am shaking my head and thinking of you all! Ugh! Ellie has skunk head a lot because she must stick her nose where it doesn't belong! I discovered this handmade tomato soap that I can scrub her little face with, but I seriously cannot imagine what you are dealing with... Your quilt therapy is amazing. Love this one!!!!! Please take care of yourself, kath

  3. So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law; thinking of both of you! And then to come home to a skunk-mess, yikes! Can't quite imagine that one. Hope you can get it cleaned up without too much difficulty. Love that newest quilt! Great colors.
