
Friday, November 09, 2012

Snow day and Boro inspiration

I have dogs that don't like snow. 
It was a sad day for them. 

After making 2 quilt tops of mens shirt fabric, I read up on what may be the earliest re-purposed mens shirts into utilitarian quilts... the Japanese Boro quilts. If you get a chance google "Japanese Boro" and look at the images. Cool stuff.  Today I did my take from the inspiration.

 It measures 14 X 23 inches, has shirt fabric, and bits of kimono fabric.  I started with hand stitching the patches upon patches, then machine stitched a grid on top. Click on pic to enlarge.

I was also at the craft fair today. Forgot to take pictures of my area... but I have sold 1 quilt and a few small items. I have learned that at church craft fairs the big sellers are small inexpensive items... not exactly what I have there!

Happy Weekend.


  1. Keep the snow Cat!!! My little dogs dont like it either LOL! LOVE the project you are doing...

    Going to have to look into that the Japanese Boro quilts....looks like and sounds like fun!

    Blessings......and stay warm

  2. Hi to you and your Jack Pack!!! Your quilt and its inspiration, is pretty cool, Cat! We got a touch of snow two days last week...already...ugh! I agree with your pups. I don't like the cold, the winter darkness, nor the snow and wind of this season that's assuring us of its impending arrival. Oh well, at least there are fireplaces and quilts. If NYC doesn't hurry up with the power and heat for its citizens, I don't know what will happen next there. Freezing...
