Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Flaming Gorge

Soak in these pictures of calm water and awesome rocks!

We went to Flaming Gorge for a 3 day weekend with

3 of the 4 boys, daughter in law, and 2 grandsons.

The fishermen all caught fish and we feasted on Kokanee, which is a fresh water salmon.
Do you see the determined tree in the picture above?
Here it is in a closer view:
And... here is boatin' Annie.
Annie did real well for her first boat and camping trip, although she tried to jump overboard a couple of times - so I had to put a life jacket on her. We showed her how COLD the water is this time of year too... so hopefully she will get her doggie sense about her and stay in the boat on trips. Blue used to drop his ball overboard and we'd have to circle around and net it up. He liked that game! Here is the link to last years trip.
We had a great time and looking forward to next years trip!


Micki said...

Annie looks so cute in her life jacket. That gorge is really awesome looking.

Judy S. said...

Beautiful scenery, CAT, and such blue, blue skies! Annie's a doll!

Naturegirl said...

That determined tree is something I saw in the red rocks at Sedona Arizona! I marvel at their determination to make their mark on the earth! I can see that Annie has the same determination!
It's so nice to get away to such peaceful and serene outings!
How I remember Blue! :)NG

Linda Vincent said...

What amazing scenery - and how wonderful to appreciate it with your family...and Annie!

Anonymous said...

ahhh, looks like summer vacation here!

allie aller said...

Too great, time in nature with your kids and DILs....and that dog with such personality!
I love this glimpse into the Southwest....thanks!

Beth said...

That looks like a beautiful place and that fish sounds yummy. I just Love little Annie. At least she likes to swim, Lady hates it.
So glad you had such fun time with your family.

Maureen said...

Beautiful photo's,and Annie - love that tree- how long will it survive I wonder.

One Crabapple said...

Felt like I could almost hear the water as the boat bobs up and down when it's stopped and you are just floating out in the middle of nowhere....

Fresh salmon ! You're killing me.

Can you believe that TREE ?

Awesome pictures.


ps. That's alot of boys....

One Crabapple said...

I wonder how it was ever named FLAMING GORGE...It's hot there , that must be it. (Rocket Scientist here)

Shopgirl said...

Anne looks so cute, gotta love her!
You have taken some really beautiful pictures....looks like a great place to be. Thank you for sharing....Hugs, mary

Cat said...

"In 1869, John Wesley Powell and nine men boarded small wooden boats at Green River, Wyoming to explore the Green and Colorado Rivers. When they saw the reflection of the brilliant sunlight on the red rocks, they decided to name the area Flaming Gorge."

Gerry said...

Oh how fun! I had forgotten how beautiful it truly is there. Annie is a doll in her jacket!

Shopgirl said...

Thank you for coming by, I was getting lonely! Nature finds away, the tree standing alone is really a statement to life. It's like the weeds that come through the sidewalks, or the one stand alone flower where you would think nothing could grow.
Have a wonderful weekend, Mary

Werna Gail said...

What beautiful pictures.Sounds like everyone had a great time. Our daughter is still up here from the Keys, we get them for one more week. Annie is just toooo cute!

Photo Thoughts said...

Wow Cat!
You had some fun! I think it is so great how you look at life! Tell your family "HI from the Stephens!"
Take Care, Wendy

Holly Loves Art said...

Gorgeous pics! What fun. Annie is just tooo cute... in her element for sure. Yay - glad it went well for her.

Judypatooote said...

That is just the cutest picture.. and it's funny that Blue use to throw the ball over board and wait for you to get it....I can't believe that they have life jackets for dogs...of course why not they have dresses, bows etc.. your pictures of the gorge are beautiful....the water looks so crystal clear...

Kel said...

Beautiful & Amazing
Mother Nature is the queen of all artists
and that little tree, you go girl, grow where your planted !!!!