
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Please proof-read!

The Lord's Prayer
(NIV Bible)


  1. You are really getting good at this script writing, Cat! Looks fine to me, even though we Presbys. say "debtors". ;>)

  2. I see it - thespass instead of 'trespass' oops!!!

  3. am so guilty of NOT proofreading my own pieces until it's too late ... ug.

  4. I have nothing to say about proof reading, I can't spell for bugs, and I hit the wrong key when typing which drives nuts.
    It is lovely.
    I have finished Ruth. I could have continued, but I have been working on her since last August. It took forever before I put it on my blog.
    You are one sewing wizzzzzzzzz!
    Hugs, Mary

  5. Me! See what I mean!!!!

  6. thespass instead of 'trespass' oops!!!

  7. Ohh Cat just a little letter unpick & re-sew & Bob's your Aunty as we say Down Under [B OK]... but most annoying when you are all done but it sure does look great & if you hadn't of pointed it out I would not have found it... love the frayed edging all around ... gives it a nice soft look, I thought... OOroo ... Bethel

  8. Anonymous11:21 AM

    oops! Sorry but I just have to giggle.

  9. You write better on a sewing machine than some I know that use paper and a pen....One little error, you can fix that! I think it is lovely. I'm reading your blog backwards so I'll also say PTL you are ok even if the vehicle is not. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME
